18 fitness Journal keys ideas

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If you re looking to plan and keep track of your health and fitness goals here are bullet journal

If you re looking to plan and keep track of your health and fitness goals here are bullet journal page ideas for tracking health and fitness goals These BuJo page layout ideas include weight and inches lost trackers food and exercise logs and weekly and monthly bullet journal spreads #workout #fitness #bodytransformation #bulletjournal #bulletjournalnotes #bulletjournal #bulletjournalnotes #bulletjournal #bulletjournalnotes It’s halfway through January and you might be feeling the New Year’s motivation slump. It’s only natural by the third week of a new year to start slacking a bit on your new healthy resolutions. I have a great solution for you bullet journal lovers. Try to bullet journal health tracking. I’m sharing 11 of the most creative and fun health trackers I found on Instagram. While I personally have not even started my fitness regimen I am finally feeling up to the challenge as well as gaining some free time. About 6 years ago I practiced Yoga and Pilates. I was in the bestREAD MORE