3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend

Handmade gifts are always the most heartfelt – to give and receive.

Today I want to share three gift ideas for the yoga-loving babes in your life. All are totally customizable to fit the uniqueness of the beloved recipient. Go find a cozy, sun-drenched spot on your floor and get to work!

A scented eye pillow is the perfect unexpected addition to bring Savasana to the next level of bliss.

1. Cut two pieces of fabric to the size you’d like your pillow to be – I cut mine to about 2.5 x 7 inches.

2. Place one piece on top of another, with the portions that will face the outside kissing. Sew the pieces together, leaving about an inch of open space to fill the pillow.

3. Create your fill mixture. I used flax seeds and dried lavender – you could also use rice and any other type of dried herb or flower. Feel free to add some drops of essential oil to deepen the sensory experience. Funnel your mixture into the pouch.

4. Hand-sew the last portion, and voila!

I love the way this little eye pillow looks amidst other textured pillows on a bed.

A handmade strap is such a fun way to transport a yoga mat. Cut 6 pieces of strong suede cord (or any cord you like) to at least 6 feet long. Make a knot about a foot down, and start braiding. When you reach your desired strap length, tie another knot at the end. Finish it off with some colored thread wraps at the end. You could also add beads, feathers or anything your heart desires.

Yoga mats can always use a little scent refresh. I love the idea of making a holiday-scented yoga mat cleaner. Fill a glass bottle ¾ full of distilled water. Add a few drops of tea tree oil, as well as essential oils of your choice. Cinnamon, clove, pine, rosemary and thyme are perfect for this time of year. Fill the rest of the bottle with witch hazel and shake! This smells so festive, you might even find yourself spraying it into the air.

+What other yoga-inspired handmade gift ideas can you think of? Let us know! 

Follow Brigette on Instagram, and have a look at her blog Hummusbird!

3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend 3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend 3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend 3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend 3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend

3 DIY Gift Ideas For Your Yogi Friend
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