3-pack of large rattle inserts. Rattles for toys. Baby toy rattle. Make your own rattle. Washable rattle insert. Rattles for plushies. by whileshenaps

< img src ="https://diycraftsrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/il_570xN.351700410.jpg"border="0"width="570" height =" 429 "/ > 2,50 USD A three-pack of rattle inserts for making softies! I have actually sourced these market conventional rattle inserts for you to use in your softies. These rattle inserts are totally sealed plastic discs which contain steel balls and they make an extremely nice rattling noise when shaken

These are the rattles that I use in my Animal Rattles
https:// www.etsy.com/listing/103111587/animal-rattles-to-sew-pdf-sewing-pattern and in my DIY Duck Rattle Sets https://www.etsy.com/listing/ 102283801/ diy-duck-rattle-kit-sewing-pattern These rattle inserts are 38 mm in size
(1.5 inches)and are 11.11 mm thick (7/16 inches). For smaller sized toys I recommend the 19 mm diameter (3/4 inches)inserts. Those are 12.7 mm (1/2 inches) thick. You can see the size contrast in the last image. Find them right here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/151462594/3-pack-of-small-rattle-inserts Security Disclaimer: I have actually sourced this part from a toy making supplier and it fulfills market requirements, but I can make no claim regarding its overall security. Можно purchase on Etsy for whileshenaps