3 Things To Do For Yourself Today

Because Sundays are for rejuvenation…

To break my Sunday cycle, I started off by telling myself this: You are a beautiful, hard-working, selfless being, and you deserve this time. Treat yourself.

So I did. Three things, every Sunday, for myself. I’m sharing them to give y’all some ideas, and hopefully inspire you to take a day off—completely—and cater to your needs. Follow along with this series if you feel like “you” time is missing.

Just Go. 

I may or may not have driven 12 hours last weekend to the beach. On a whim, mind you. I’m not suggesting you do that today. Well, maybe I am, because it was exactly what I needed and totally fun (minus the snow storm on the way there, with truckers roaring down a mountain), but moving forward. Today, I want you to be spontaneous. If your heart is telling you to go be somewhere, even if it’s last minute and you are a bit unsure, go for it. Try.


Both your mental and physical health. Take 30 minutes and focus on the connection between mind and body. My favorite way to do this? Going for a long walk. I took one by the sea last Sunday, and my goodness, I felt like a new woman when I finished. The coast was grey, salty mist was dancing around me, and I let everything go. I disconnected from my stresses and focused on my energy and the beauty surrounding me. If you aren’t up for walking, try stretching someplace inspiring and peaceful.


Think of what happiness means to you. Words, ideas, goals. Scribble that down, and save it. This activity will be comforting and nostalgic to you, I promise. Happiness to me is a banana split-colored beach house surrounded by succulents.

I’m challenging you to clear your schedule today and do  3 things for yourself. You work your butt off, and deserve some time for yourself. If you try this out, let me know how it went, and if you feel rested and rejuvenated, let’s keep this up.

+Follow FP Madisyn on Instagram + take a peek at her blog!

3 Things To Do For Yourself Today 3 Things To Do For Yourself Today 3 Things To Do For Yourself Today 3 Things To Do For Yourself Today 3 Things To Do For Yourself Today

3 Things To Do For Yourself Today
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