48 White Cowgirl Snaps Pearl Prong Western Snaps by CowgirlSnaps

15,00 USD

48 Snowy White Cowgirl Snaps

Cowgirl Snaps!
Cowgirl Snaps are size 16 pearl prong snaps. They are typically seen on western t-shirts, and are likewise called no-sew snaps, because they are used with a tool like the dritz pliers https://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7042114§ion_id=6062433

They are a super fun method to snazz up any sewing task, and can be used anywhere you would otherwise put a button.

7/ 16 & quot; & quot; or 1.11 cm in diameter
Size 16
Device Washable * Will not fade or corrosion * Licensed CPSIA safe

wallet or purse closure * arm or leg warmes * steampunk attire * western wear * vinyl barrettes * fabric pins * pillowcase or duvet closure * gratuitous decoration!! * And soooo a lot more!

Have a look at my pearl snaps tutorial at:

https://sewmamasew.com/blog2/? p = 1075

This set features
48 pearly cowgirl snaps
48 socket pieces
48 stud pieces
50 silver rings (some bonus in case you lose a couple of!)
directions and recyclable baggies.

More Colors!
Interested in a range of colors? You might desire to inspect out my Mix and Match Listings:

48 Cowgirl Snaps – $ 15 – https:// www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35646613
100 Cowgirl Snaps – $ 30 – https://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35132780
250 Cowgirl Snaps – $ 71.25 + free priority USA shipping – https://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31308866
500 Cowgirl Snaps – $ 135 + complimentary concern UNITED STATE shipping – https:// www.etsy. com/ view_listing. php? listing_id = 34920215

Want to experience the whole rainbow of Cowgirl Snaps colors? The sample sets are the way to go:

Not precisely the amounts you require? I do custom listings! Just send me a convo with the quantity you need for a quote on a custom-made amount:

Happy Snapping, Cowpersons!

Annie Rose

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