51 Fun and Easy Quilling Designs ebook PDF for download. by karenperry59

7,99 USD This listing is for 51 Fun and Easy Paper Quilling Designs, PDF ebook for download. The book cover shows some examples.

< br/ >< br/ > I am the creater and copyright owner of this file and the designs included.

< br/ > It is a pattern book for 51 various, small, quick and simple jobs for newbies to experienced quillers using easy tools and supplies many people would probably have on hand. A toothpick is utilized to roll the strips in the patterns, but you can use a quilling tool or slotted tool if you inspect the size of your rolled pieces against the patterns. Resizing of the patterns may or may not be needed. This book uses printer paper or quilling strips in 3 set lengths, so there’s no measuring each individual strip.

It consists of general instructions and 51 patterns consisting of a photo of the design, the level of each shape needed to complete the task, instructions, and a real size pattern (using a toothpick) to copy. It has 121 pages. Each design starts on a brand-new page so you can print one design at a time if you wish to.

Make sure to read the basic instructions thoroughly. The patterns will not make much sense unless you do.

Among the designs I’ve consisted of are small animals, Christmas ornaments, snowflakes, fairies, angels, flowers, a mermaid, unicorn, Pegasus, butterflies, a witch, pumpkin and lots of, many more.

< br/ > You can put these designs on presents, glue to photo frames, glue wire to the back and use to pretty up a houseplant, glue standing on a small piece of wood, or frame in a shadow box. The possibilities are endless!

< br/ > You are complimentary to make any of the products to sell, however please do not reproduce the book itself. This book has never been published by a business publisher.

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