Beef Brisket with Horseradish Sauce
About This Recipe
“My husband likes horseradish with beef and this recipe makes him happy. I like to serve braised cabbage or slaw with this.”
“This is very good.I used a smaller brisket and adjusted the cooking time accordingly.Came out very moist and tender with great flavor.My only problem with it was there was no liquid left in the pan even after doubling the water.Next time I will check during cooking and add as necessary.Thanks for sharing!”
“I loved the idea of the horseradish as a main sauce ingredient.We also have to dip our beef into it at the table.But I wasn’t crazy about the method of cooking this one.The meat was starting to get dry at the 2 hour mark.No big deal, we ate early!Everyone liked the flavor of the meat but there just wasn’t any liquid left over to make a sauce or gravy for dipping our rolls.I still prefer the braising method for brisket but I may make this one again too.Thanks for sharing, Miss Annie!”