Black Coffee Mascarpone

Black Coffee Mascarpone

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 15 mins
  • Servings: 6
  • About This Recipe

    “Another magazine find, so glad I did!”


  • 4eggs, separated
  • 3tablespoonssugar
  • 1lbmascarpone
  • 2tablespoonswhipping cream
  • 3tablespoonsstrong black coffee, cooled
  • 1tablespoonbrandy
  • 2tablespoonsblack sambuca( Opal Nera)
  • cocoa powder( for dusting)
  • Directions

  • Beat the egg yolks with the sugar, then blend with mascarpone and cream at high speed.
  • Add coffee, brandy and liqueur.
  • In separate bowl, beat the egg whites until peaks form.
  • Gently stir and fold the egg white mixture through the coffee and mascarpone mixture.
  • Serve in small coffee cups, dusted with cocoa powder, I use white ones, looks nicer!
  • Reviews

  • “I not only used strong black coffee but reinforced it by adding a bit of espresso granules.Light and delicious, the sambuca was an added layer we thoroughly enjoyed.Made for the Comfort Cafe, a tag game.”

  • “This is a very light dessert, and the flavor of sambuca dominates (which is fine with me…I love sambuca). This is a great ending for a heavy meal! Next time I make it, I will probably use some espresso powder, because I couldn’t really taste the coffee in this. Regardless, it was tasty. Note: this made 8 fairly large servings for me. Thanks for sharing! “