Book Pin: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by janemount

11,00 USD Use your book on your sleeve! Or, probably better, the lapel of

your jean coat. With the Book Pins,'I ' m aiming to catch the essence of a book in less than an inch square.

Each badge is a tough enamel lapel pin with raised gold-plated describes. It'' s about 1 inch high by 0.75 inches wide, and connects to your clothing with a standard butterfly clutch. It ships pinned to a little cardboard plaque.

This one is of Douglas Adams' ' humorous The Hitchhiker'' s Overview of the Galaxy, and keep in mind, the response to the question of Life, deep space, and Everything is 42.

Based on an original drawing by Jane Mount.

(Wholesale buyers, please note: there are 2 cellophane envelope product packaging options, with and without a hanging tab, as revealed in the last image. Non-hanging is the default, so please let me understand when putting a purchase order if you'' d rather have hanging.)

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