Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2

The second installment of our 2-part movement series with Vanessa Packer, founder of NYC’s ModelFit…

ModelFit founder Vanessa Packer is back with three new exercises to build into your daily routine. Easy to execute and doable in any space, keep these moves in your back pocket as we count down the days to summertime…

Shoulder / Back Tone
Standing with your legs hip distance apart, root through your heels and activate your abs and arms.
Using you triceps and back, lift your arms up and over around your hips and extend to the back and then to the front. Alternate front to back for 15 repetitions. Keep your core engaged while utilizing your shoulders, back and arms.

Virgo Legging
, Avalon Crop

Butt Lift
Begin on hands and knees.
Activate your core and lift your leg in a 90 degree position to hip height behind you. Utilizing the muscles in your butt, push your heel and bottom of the foot to the sky for fifteen repetitions. Repeat with opposite leg.

Hourglass Tee
, Shape Shifter Under Short, Shape Shifter Over Short

Shoulder Touch
Begin in plank position. Activate your core to avoid sinking down in your back.
Alternate tapping your shoulder with the opposite hand for fifteen repetitions. Take your time and root down through your hands when they return to the ground.

Printed Moto Legging
, Balance Tank

+ Find more sweat-inducing Movement workouts here

Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2 Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2 Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2 Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2 Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2

Count Down to Summer with ModelFit’s Vanessa Packer, Part 2
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