DIY Blank Russian Nesting Matryoshka Dolls- 4 inch 5 Piece Set Unpainted by ShopSwellGoods

11,00 USD< p class="description"> Go DIY the Russian method! Save yourself the trip throughout the world with this Russian inspired craft project- paint your own Matryoshka Dolls!

Each Matryoshka doll nests inside the next largest doll. The dolls are hand carved out of linden wood from Polkhovski Maidan, the nesting doll center of Russia. Each doll has a tight seal and is simple to open. Good quality dolls without any flaws and a smooth unpainted surface, offering crafters an clean scheme to produce utilizing any medium

This set consists of 5 dolls that determine as follows: 4 & quot;& quot;, 3 & quot;, 2.5 & quot;, 1.75 & quot;,

and 1 & quot;. Offered the handmade nature of the dolls, they may vary in size a little.

< br/ >< br/ > A great craft task for any age!

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< br/ > ♥ ♥ ♥ Have a look at more Nesting and Wooden Dolls here ♥ ♥ ♥ Можно buy on Etsy for ShopSwellGoods