Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


November 22–December 21

The sun and Mercury link up in Sagittarius this week, combining the drive of your ego with your thoughts and words. You’re infused with vitality and clear intention, and thanks to your ruling planet Jupiter’s fortuitous meetings with the sun and Mercury, you should be your most optimistic, free-spirited, inspired, enthusiastic, adventurous self now. It’s important to tap into this positive energy with a purpose. Hopefully you’ll get a sense that you know where you’re headed. But considering that Jupiter is turning retrograde, you might also get a sense that you won’t get there overnight. The pace of your personal growth will slow a bit as you pause and review your progress. Don’t let the retrograde take the wind out of your sails in the next four months, Use that time to gain a more mature perspective, and call on this week’s feeling of hope when you need it. A Uranus-Pluto battle may induce a fear of lack, a confidence issue and erratic romance or creativity. Obsessing over outdated concepts of worth and security could be problematic. You need to redefine who you are and what you bring to the table, and in turn transform your resources.



December 22–January 19

When the sun and Mercury join forces in your subliminal sector this week, you’d do well to trust your intuition, pay attention to your dreams, shine a light into the darkness of your subconscious, be alone with your thoughts, tend to your spirit, bask in solitude, reflect on the past year and seek closure in your mind. With the sun and Merc clicking with Jupiter in your depth house, you can learn a lot about yourself now—and hopefully gain insight that facilitates healing. You might also spend time alone with someone and grow closer. After Venus enters Capricorn, you’ll feel more outgoing, and her rendezvous with Neptune in your communication zone gives you an additional nudge to connect with people. Relating should feel quite natural now, so don’t try too hard. Just go with the flow and enjoy it. As Uranus and Pluto pick up their fight where they left off, your family or living situation could be disrupted, and you may feel the need to gain control over your environment. Try to accept that you’re transforming on a very deep level, and you’re breaking from the past, whether you’ve chosen these changes or not.



January 20–February 18

This week, the sun and Mercury are forming an alliance in your group zone and harmonizing with Jupiter in your relationship angle. Feeling a part of something beyond yourself will stimulate your mind and your drive, and your personal connections are likely to be your best teachers. You can learn a great deal about the world from other people, and your interactions can help you learn about yourself if you pay close attention. You might also meet someone new, and this contact will prove beneficial down the road. Make the effort to network, socialize, engage in teamwork and spend time with friends and other groups. With Uranus and Pluto resuming their feud, issues in your subconscious and your conscious mind are stirred up. A habitual mindset has been turned upside down, tossing false assumptions out. Forgiveness, compassion and closure have been a struggle. You’re waking up to a new way of thinking, but you must overcome your fear, pain and anger in order to move forward. You’re probably more excited about a radically new viewpoint that will carry you into the future than you are about healing psychological and spiritual wounds. But you can’t have one without the other.



February 19–March 20

As the sun and Mercury conjoin in your ambition angle and harmonize with Jupiter in your work zone this week, you’ll have a chance to shine. You can put your best foot forward if you find yourself in the spotlight. Have faith that taking on more responsibilities, throwing yourself into your job or expanding your vision of what you can do every day will help you to build a thriving career. Send a positive message to people in authority who can help you climb the ladder. With Venus entering your group house and clicking with Neptune in Pisces, friendships, teamwork, socializing, professional networking and group activities should run smoothly. Look out for an opportunity to actualize a wish, and grab it if it comes. With Uranus and Pluto battling it out again, tension between evolving goals and unstable finances is apt to return. You feel compelled to fulfill a deeper purpose, but you’re nervous about how that will affect your security. Your confidence may come and go, and you might have strong feelings about the power others have over you and your need for their support. Be willing to radically redefine your value and shift your ideals.



March 21–April 19

Faith is your ticket to growth this week when Mercury and the sun in your outlook sector connect with hopeful Jupiter in your fulfillment zone. Learning experiences and even small departures from your regular routine can make you happy and expand your creativity and other means of self-expression. Confidence is a positive feedback loop. It leads you outside your comfort zone, and subsequent adventures reinforce self-assurance. And vitality is self-perpetuating now too. The more you take on, the more energy you’ll have. With Uranus in Aries renewing its ongoing battle with Pluto, you might feel anxious about your evolving life direction, though. It’s been difficult these last few years for you to reconcile internal changes with external changes, and your impatience probably gets the best of you at times. You’re itching to make progress and want the freedom to carve your own path. But you also know you need to work within some sort of system, which means ceding control to a degree. The pressure to have a career plan is exacerbating your urge to rebel. Think about who you’re becoming, where your power can take you and how those things might feed off each other.



April 20–May 20

Venus enters your expansion house this week, encouraging you to interact with people outside your established circle and relish new experiences. Anyone who is different from you can be your teacher this month. Venus is bonding with Neptune in your humanity sector, suggesting that you may be drawn to someone who shares one of your interests or goals, and this connection will feel like a natural fit. Underlying optimism and the hope of feeling at home with someone will facilitate closeness and psychological transformation. Get in touch with your emotions. Make peace with the person you are when you’re totally alone. Dare to share the real you with another human being. Now that Uranus and Pluto are resuming their war, certain themes are coming up again. You might be impatient to finish one chapter of your life so you can gain a sense of control over your future. An old pattern or fear could keep you holding onto an outdated belief, thus blocking faith. An urge to flee or give up might be at odds with transforming your outlook and slowly climbing the ladder to success. Becoming more and more conscious is the key to this transition.



May 21–June 20

With the sun and Mercury coming together in your relationship angle this week, it’s all about one-on-one connections. Given that both planets are clicking with growth-oriented Jupiter in your cognition-and-communication zone, conversations and personal interactions are apt to be informative, inspiring and mind-opening. It’s important not to limit your thinking or your contacts and to say what’s on your mind. Your exchanges with others can be mutually beneficial, so listening and learning is as crucial as expressing yourself and sharing your views. This is a great time to consult someone whose opinion you value. Or if you need to sort out a conflict, your tolerant mindset will help you do that now. As Uranus and Pluto continue their fight with each other, you could experience tension between intense intimacy and keeping it light. Part of you may be a bit obsessed with getting close to someone, while part of you wants to be free to play the field or to do your own thing with friends. Depth and detachment are at war within you, and merging your life with someone else’s probably feels heavy, while keeping your options open feels liberating. Work to understand both sides of yourself.



June 21–July 22

A sun-Mercury meetup in your efficiency zone prods you to focus on your job, health, fitness, time management, habits, skills and duties. Think about how you expend your energy every day and what you might do to improve your routine. Hard work and problem solving will ensure your productivity, and attention to detail should come naturally. Both the sun and Mercury are harmonizing with Jupiter, so your efforts are apt to enhance your self-confidence or your finances, especially if you make the most of all your innate talents. Burgeoning self-esteem can also push you to take better care of yourself now. This is a prime opportunity to devote yourself to self-improvement that stems from your highest priorities and values. As Uranus and Pluto reengage each other in battle, the changes you’ve been experiencing in your relationships and your life direction may stress you out. You might feel like revolting against an aspect of your image that doesn’t mesh with who you really are as an individual. Or power imbalances between you and others could get to you now. Standing up for yourself will have a positive impact on your relationships and your place in the world.



July 23–August 22

The sun joins forces with Mercury this week, and both planets have fortuitous meetings with Jupiter in Leo. You’ll be inspired to play, create, laugh, love and express your individuality. The simple act of enjoying yourself can underscore the feeling that the world is opening up for you. You’re like a bumblebee fine-tuning its vibration so the flower will release its pollen, and you need to find the right frequency that will resonate—so that what you’re after will be yours for the taking. Although your enthusiasm is high, with Jupiter turning retrograde, your progress is bound to slow over the next four months as you reassess what you’re after and realize that growth takes time. Don’t get discouraged; you need this phase in order to adjust your perspective. As Uranus and Pluto resume their war, a compulsion to take care of business in your everyday world conflicts with an urge to leap into the future. Don’t dig in your heels when it comes to doing things a certain way. For your daily reality to change, you need to transform your approach. Likewise, your outlook must shift as you become increasingly aware of the range of possibilities.



August 23–September 22

Mercury conjoins the sun at the bottom of your chart this week, and then both planets proceed to connect with expansive Jupiter in your subconscious sector. Spend time alone tuning into emotions that you not only keep to yourself, but also keep from yourself at times. Have the courage to try to understand the sides of you that you’re not so crazy about, and have the compassion to accept them. Bring your past into the light of truth and make peace with it. Learn from your mistakes instead of judging them. Trust not only in the worldly knowledge you’ve acquired, but also in the wisdom of your spirit. Now that Uranus and Pluto are taking up arms again, we’re all feeling the friction. For you, it’s likely to show up as a drive for personal fulfillment, self-expression, creativity, love and happiness—or an overwhelming internal pressure to have all of that and control the who, what, where, when and how of it. You’re also dealing with wanting liberating closeness or wanting to liberate yourself from closeness. The overarching theme is a need to be yourself and to share that self with another person without losing yourself.



September 23–October 22

Venus dips down to the bottom of your chart this week, creating a yearning to be at home, with family or with people who feel like family. You may want to get extra rest if your energy is flagging, or you could be in the mood to decorate. A desire to be of service to people might hit you, and you may be inclined to play hostess. The sun and Mercury are rendezvousing with each other and also with Jupiter in your group sector, so your everyday interactions and social life are apt to pick up. Friendship, teamwork, joining an organization, connecting with people who share your interests and goals, professional networking, expanding your circle, envisioning new objectives, letting your curiosity lead the way and aiming to improve the world can all lead to learning and growth now. As Uranus and Pluto resume their feud, you may notice the impact your upbringing has on your personal bonds. Turbulent emotions, home life or family events and unpredictable or unstable people and relationships could be shaking you up, affecting your sense of security and equilibrium. Moving away from childhood on a psychological level and developing independence in relationships is essential.



October 23–November 21

With the sun and Mercury in your worth house cooperating with Jupiter in your goals angle, the planets can help you get grounded this week. Think about your confidence level, your finances, your full range of talents, your material resources, your security needs and your values. Then contemplate the public reputation and career status that you aspire to. Where do these things intersect? How can you get them more in sync? Much of this can click into place in your head now, making it easier to combine hopes and plans. As your ruling planet Pluto resumes his fight with Uranus, you’re likely to feel the pressure in your mind and in your daily life. The weight of your thoughts and the uncertainty of your circumstances are apt to be unsettling. You may notice now how your thoughts have energy that manifests as your reality. Your thinking is extremely powerful these days, but that hasn’t necessarily translated into control over your health, job, daily duties, habits, etc. You need to transform old thought patterns and free yourself from old modes of operating so that your mindset and daily routine can be reborn. A Scorpio who fears change cannot flourish.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 8–14
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