Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.



September 23–October 22

A lunar eclipse in your others angle this week increases the odds of relationship drama. You may have to compromise between what you want and what someone else needs. It feels like you’re at the mercy of other people’s moods, because wild-card Uranus is linked with the temperamental moon. Meanwhile, the sun and Venus are paired up in your sign, so you’re apt to identify strongly with your own desires and take it personally if others aren’t on the same page. It all feels extra intense, since Pluto is at the bottom of your chart, churning up strong emotions that a Libra isn’t particularly inclined to face. Straightforward communication and faith in humanity will help you navigate potentially choppy waters. You need to be willing to change and to let a relationship change—and not necessarily in a way that feels pleasant. This eclipse is like a seesaw between you and others, and there will inevitably be some teetering back and forth. You may even need to set someone free—trust that it’s for the best.



October 23–November 21

This week’s lunar eclipse calls for a seismic shift in your job, health, responsibilities or routine. It should become abundantly clear—if not this week, then in the coming weeks—that something isn’t working and needs to change. Letting go of a bad habit could radically boost your productivity or well-being. Adjusting your usual mode of tackling a problem or the day’s duties can make all the difference in your efficiency. If your emotions boil over, they’re pointing to an area that’s ripe for self-improvement. An internal crisis can push you to recognize the necessity of change. The opposition of the sun and moon reminds you that your inner life is as important as your outer one. While you’re addressing issues related to the body, time and work, you must also heed the clarion call of your soul. Give subconscious desires their due. Work towards closure that will open up a new path of growth. Reach for the brass ring in your career and strive to shore up your security. Most of all, change your approach to something.



November 22–December 21

Although this week’s lunar eclipse signifies tension, the fortuitous angles it’s forming with Mars in your sign and your ruling planet Jupiter make it likely that you lucky Sags will get through it all just fine. The moon-Uranus pairing in your joy sector could spell drama in your love life, the culmination of a creative project or an overwhelming urge to express your individuality or simply to enjoy life. But these planets are opposing the sun and Venus in your hopes-and-humanity zone, nudging you to balance your need for fulfillment with the wants of others and the drive to play a role in the world that serves a higher purpose than personal pleasure. A powerful change in your confidence or your values can push you to tweak the dynamic between you and friends or you and another kind of group. Your beliefs and actions can help you to move on from one source of happiness and embrace a new dream. This lunation is about becoming your whole unique self and connecting with something beyond that self.



December 22–January 19

A lunar eclipse at the bottom of your chart calls your attention to family, home life, private emotions, the past and your sense of comfort and security. You’ve been dealing with disruptions in one or more of these areas and could reach a turning point that elicits intense feelings, given the tense angle between the eclipse and Pluto in Capricorn. You need to find a healthier balance between your personal and public lives, showing equal regard for your professional goals and your emotional well-being. With your natural ambition and the unrest in your private life, you may have been putting plenty of energy into your career while shortchanging your emotional needs. Relationships are the likeliest outlet for this week’s tension, so make sure you’re communicating with someone, not taking things out on them. Doing inner work now will pay dividends later, as proactive Mars in your subconscious sector and beneficent Jupiter in your transformation house are clicking with the eclipse. Try discarding a piece of your old foundation that’s crumbling away. You’re building a new one.



January 20–February 18

The lunar eclipse lands in your cognition-and-communication house this week, calling for a shift in your habitual way of thinking and how you interact with others. Letting go of an old thought pattern that you’re stuck in and focusing on listening and observing more will help you to align yourself with the intentions of this lunation. Something could transpire with a sibling, you receive big news out of the blue, a writing project comes to fruition, there’s some drama in your neighborhood or with travel plans, your brain or daily life suddenly gets crazy busy—any of these could coincide with the eclipse. Rise above it, and remember that there’s another layer of meaning. You need to let information seep in and process it based on your experience and knowledge. Wisdom is not instantaneous. Although you’re a fixed sign, you’re ruled by a change-oriented planet. Look at the world from a different angle now, with the help of other people. Teamwork, partnership and relationships in general can lead the way to a more balanced outlook.



February 19–March 20

This week’s lunar eclipse is pushing you to change your relationship with money, leave an old self-esteem issue behind you, purge some possessions, revise your material needs or liberate your talents. You need to find a better balance between what you feel you can get for yourself and what you hope to get through others. Whether that’s about joint finances, personal validation in a relationship or something else, let your emotions point you in the right direction. The slow transformation of your goals and your place in the world is also giving you a strong nudge to shift your take on needs and wants. Going after your goals, taking on more responsibility, expanding your vision of work and enjoying opportunities to do something well will all help you to transform your security and get you to trust that you’ll have what you’re meant to have. Contemplating a partnership or a power imbalance can also help you to understand what needs to change.



March 21–April 19

Something’s gotta give when a lunar eclipse lands in your sign this week and engages with several other planets, pushing your emotions to the brink. With impulsive Uranus conjunct the temperamental moon, you’re likely to feel highly reactive. So give yourself healthy outlets for channeling this volatile energy. Sports, gutsy new experiences and creative self-expression are just a few viable options. Someone or something that makes you feel dependent, constrained or not in control could spur you to suddenly take action to change the situation. Pay attention to your feelings, and if you need some personal space, take it. But be aware of the impact you have on others. This eclipse is pushing you to change, and any change in you will affect your relationships, possibly shifting the balance of power. A theme of me/we runs through this week’s planetary interactions, and you may end up relinquishing some of your trademark independence in order to move on with your life and forge meaningful bonds.



April 20–May 20

This week’s lunar eclipse shines a spotlight on an area of life that may fall by the wayside when you’re busy tending to matters that seem more pressing. You still have to take care of business by treating your body well, doing your work, getting along with colleagues and staying on top of various daily duties. But your inner life also merits your consideration. Your spiritual needs, repressed urges and unconscious emotions are apt to grab your attention now, possibly giving you quite a jolt if that’s what it takes. Carve out personal time for introspection, and ask yourself a penetrating question, like “What if the shakeups in my life are coming from a part of me that’s secretly pushing for radical change?” or “What part of my past do I most need to release in order to transform from within and build a brighter future?” Your belief system is gradually evolving, and this eclipse says there’s no turning back. It may not feel like it, but that’s a good thing.



May 21–June 20

Drama could arise with friendships, teamwork, your role in a group, professional networking, a new dream or your need to contribute to the greater good, when a lunar eclipse hits your hopes-and-humanity sector this week. Your drive to express your individuality is contrasted with the necessity of letting others be themselves and go their own way. The pressure to work out issues of sharing, intimacy and trust could push an emotional confrontation. But a spirit of cooperation, willingness to compromise, optimism and future-oriented thinking will help to ease tension. It won’t be easy to align your wants with others’ needs, so aim for a workable middle ground. Inventive groupthink can inspire you, but you may feel an urge to assert your independence, favoring your own creative output over collaborative efforts. This eclipse intends to change something about how you relate to others and how you respond to the call to dream new dreams and form mutually supportive alliances.



June 21–July 22

You could feel boxed in by the lunar eclipse this week, with the sun and moon forming hard angles to Cancer, and Pluto opposing you. This dramatic lunation demands that you balance your private and public sides, grounding yourself in an awareness of where you come from while fulfilling a need to pursue a different path and contribute something unique to the world. Since intense Pluto is in your relationship angle, pressure from others may be the thing you notice the most in all of this. This week reminds you that life is a constant balancing act, and change is necessary to bring things back into balance. If you reach a breaking point, your emotional state is likely to be rather transparent, given that the eclipse occurs at the top of your chart. Be open to shifting a goal or your career direction, and welcome the work that will get you where you want to go. Have faith in your talents and resources, and cultivate a desire to take care of yourself.



July 23–August 22

The lunar eclipse this week spells a shift in your beliefs—and letting go of a long-held truth promises to be surprisingly liberating. Discarding an opinion, philosophy, idea or prejudice will free your mind and get you to see the world with fresh eyes. It’s easy to develop a habitual pattern of thinking that lulls you into assuming you have the answers, when asking questions is what will further your quest for knowledge. Feed your hunger to learn by communicating with others, in the belief that they can promote your personal growth. Let dialogues stem from sincere curiosity and the conviction that we are all each others teachers. Take a leap of faith and reach for a new outlook that spurs you to express your truth in unique ways. Your drive to transform your day-to-day reality can push you to make this mental shift. You need to get out of your routine now, take a risk, have an adventure. When you change your mind, you change yourself. And when you change, your life changes.



August 23–September 22

This week’s lunar eclipse draws your attention to the messy inner workings of relationships and sharing. You can merge with another person on many levels—financial, emotional, spiritual, physical—and it’s never simple. Dealing with your own baggage is always a good first step, whether that means cleaning up your credit, getting over sexual hang-ups or healing a psychological wound. When you transform yourself, you alter your relationship dynamics, because you’re bringing something different to the table. The eclipse is nudging you to balance your own wants and ego drives against the needs and feelings of someone else. You’re asked to contemplate mine versus ours. Your money, self-worth, possessions, talents, resources and material desires versus all of these that you get from—or pool with—someone else. How can you negotiate that delicate balance in the cleanest, healthiest, most honest way possible? Give yourself time for introspection this week. Face up to the changes you’re going through, and let them push you to release something that will transform how you share yourself with another person.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of October 6–12
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