Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2

Ready for what’s to come? Here’s your weekly guide to maneuver through it all…

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


September 23–October 22

The sun and Jupiter form an alliance in Libra this week, filling you with exuberance and giving you the impetus to launch a personal journey. Because Jupiter amplifies whatever it comes in contact with, and the sun symbolizes ego, this confidence-boosting influence will not be conducive to compromising. Besides, the new moon also occurs in your sign, signaling that you should be focused on your own aspirations. In what way do you want to grow? Where do you see yourself a year from now? What form of reinvention possesses the most meaning for you? How would you like to break from the past? This is your annual excuse to make a fresh start, and you might even opt to try out a different look. With Mars descending to your foundation angle for the next month and-a-half, you may revert to an old behavior pattern and would do well to work through your underlying emotions and try to be as conscious as possible. This week’s Venus-Neptune encounter might inspire you to decorate your workspace or do something healthy that makes you feel good about yourself.


October 23–November 21

With the sun and Jupiter coming together in the last house of your chart this week, your spirituality takes on added importance. You’ll need plenty of peace and quiet to contemplate the past year as you begin to gear up for the year ahead. This is a period for recharging your battery and striving to come to terms with where you are in your life. It’s important to have compassion for yourself and to understand that your imperfections make you human. The new moon in that house invites you to begin a new spiritual practice, start a dream journal or find another way to tune into the whisperings of your soul. Pluto is turning direct in your thinking-and-talking corner and, soon after, Mars arrives there. So your mind is bound to be busy, and you might begin to express yourself more forcefully. A link between Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in your love-and-happiness sector could spell romantic or creative fulfillment, and you won’t have any trouble enjoying the pleasures that life hands you now, so go ahead and indulge.


November 22–December 21

The sun and your ruling planet, Jupiter, hold a summit in your network zone this week, bringing your attention to the benefit you derive from the various affiliations you maintain. You may be inspired to play a bigger role in a group or to perform a magnanimous gesture for a friend. Being around a lot of people and feeling important in others’ lives will gratify you. You’re likely to learn from those you reach out to, so this is a good time for professional networking and seeking mentors. The new moon further encourages you to form new ties, perhaps by joining an organization. And since the moon is clicking with Saturn in Sagittarius, it’s even more evident that the connections you make will tend to promote your personal development. With Mars entering your worth house, you should become more proactive with your finances and possessions in the next six weeks. Venus’s rendezvous with Neptune coaxes you to enjoy private romance or peaceful solitude, so don’t hesitate to hide out for a bit.


December 22–January 19

When the sun and Jupiter join forces at the top of your chart this week, your ambition is apt to surge. Your enthusiasm and confidence could propel you to take on a leadership role or a larger responsibility. Be careful not to exaggerate your importance, especially around authority figures. You won’t be in any mood to defer; just be sure you can deliver on any claims you make. With Pluto resuming forward motion in Capricorn, your compulsion to maintain personal power is triggered, and you should try to recognize how this impacts the impression you give off to others. Mars’s arrival in your sign gives you ample drive to execute your agenda in the next month and a half. Work hard to further your interests, and try to operate independently if possible, since you’re apt to come on strong. The new moon nudges you to set new goals or launch the next chapter in your career, but its squabbles with Mars and Pluto tempt you to subvert your own mission initially. You might need to tie up loose ends before starting fresh.


January 20–February 18

As the sun and Jupiter sync up in your expansion corner this week, your inclination to broaden your horizons multiplies. You’ll feel very oriented toward the future and will want to explore possible avenues of growth. You have a mandate to shatter the status quo and move beyond previous ways of being in the world. If you can’t travel now, engage in an undertaking that transports your mind. The new moon in this part of your chart further pushes you to bypass mundane routine and be more adventurous. It’s clashing with Mars and Pluto in your subliminal sector, suggesting that you’re tempted to work against yourself and may be digging your heels in to fight an ending. Mars’s position in the last house of your chart calls for you to work behind the scenes in the next six weeks and also confront self-defeating behavior. Thanks to Venus in your ambition angle gelling with Neptune in your worth zone, you should be able to do creative work that satisfies your highest values or appeal to higher-ups by sacrificing your own needs.


February 19–March 20

A sun-Jupiter meetup in your depth house this week aims to infuse you with faith in sharing and psychological transformation, and you may grow closer to someone or feel yourself turning a corner emotionally. This is an excellent time for understanding and accepting yourself or getting to know another person deeply. The new moon in this house alludes to a new sexual connection or intense personal empowerment, although the moon’s spat with Mars and Pluto in your network zone suggests that such a development could require you to go against the grain somehow, perhaps defying group interests. With Mars moving into your network zone for a six-week stay, you’ll begin to engage in teamwork more, and you’ll need to find people with whom you can collaborate effectively. Venus in your exploration corner is harmonizing with Neptune in Pisces, so romantic and social encounters and cultural experiences that allow you to appreciate difference and learn more about the world will provide transcendent pleasure. You can expand your consciousness and grow spiritually when you love without limits and find beauty outside preconceived notions.


March 21–April 19

This week, the sun and Jupiter align in your one-on-one angle, lending you optimism about relationships and motivating you to connect with other individuals. You can learn much more about yourself within the context of a close bond than you can by yourself, so make a point of engaging with someone and paying attention to the role you play in your interactions. The new moon in that house hints at a new partnership or a higher level of commitment in an existing one. Relationship growth ought to be a personal goal of yours this year, whether you have a significant other, a business partner or a good friend in mind. Venus in your sharing sector is vibing with Neptune in your release corner, facilitating private, romantic sex and healing self-acceptance. With Mars ascending to the peak of your chart, the next six weeks are a favorable time for pursuing your goals, and you’ll have the energy to accomplish something you’re passionate about. It might be best if you work independently, so as not to bulldoze over colleagues, although your momentum could impress higher-ups.


April 20–May 20

With the sun and Jupiter meeting up in your efficiency corner this week, your enthusiasm for doing what needs to be done will serve you well. Devote your ample energy to executing everyday duties, performing your job to the best of your ability and improving your physical fitness. The new moon in this house nudges you to begin a new exercise regimen, start eating healthier, initiate a positive daily habit, launch a job search, take on a new responsibility, streamline your schedule, organize your workspace or learn a different skill. Focusing your efforts and not taking on too much could be challenging, given the expansive nature of Jupiter. Mars moves into your exploration sector this week as well, mobilizing you to spread your wings and travel, pursue a rigorous course of study and fight for what you believe in over the next six weeks. Thanks to Venus in your one-on-one angle gelling with Neptune in your network zone, your relations with both individuals and groups will seem natural and effortless, and you’ll feel especially in sync with people who share your dreams and ideals.


May 21–June 20

Thanks to the sun and Jupiter lining up in your joy sector this week, you’ll be filled with a zest for life that may lead you to express yourself romantically, creatively and playfully. You’re prone to taking more chances now and can learn a lot about yourself by going out on a limb. Generosity, warmth and humor will color your encounters, and you might be inspired to make a heartfelt gesture. The new moon lands in the same part of your chart, coaxing you to seek new paths to love and happiness and to find lasting sources of pleasure that will help you to grow into the person you were meant to be. With Mars moving through your depth house for the next month and-a-half, your libido heats up and you’re motivated to pursue intimacy or confront a difficult issue within yourself. The current harmony between Venus in your productivity corner and Neptune in your ambition angle encourages you to enjoy what you’re working on now without worrying too much about the outcome.


June 21–July 22

When the sun joins forces with Jupiter at the bottom of your chart this week, you’ll benefit from an upbeat mood and an underlying sense of wellbeing. You might feel like decorating, entertaining or simply hanging out at home enjoying creature comforts such as good food. The new moon in that house hints at a possible change in your family or your living situation and may inspire you to do something that increases your contentment in the next few weeks. Now that Mars is crossing your one-on-one angle for a six-week visit, you’d do well to recruit a partner instead of trying to accomplish everything on your own. Shared activities will be more gratifying and productive, and this is also a favorable period for tackling relationship conflicts head-on. With Venus in your joy sector connecting with Neptune in your expansion corner, you can experience divine pleasure and might feel a strong spiritual connection with someone you’re attracted to. Fulfillment through love or creativity can carry you beyond yourself and open you up to higher truths, putting you in a blissful state of flow.


July 23–August 22

Thanks to a meeting between the sun and Jupiter in your cognition-and-communication sector this week, your thoughts and words will be full of enthusiasm, personality and meaningful perceptions. If you like to write, this would be an excellent time to sit down and start typing — or go old school and put pen to paper. The new moon further encourages you to reach out to people, share your ideas, do a bit of traveling and explore your own neighborhood. Allowing your curiosity to lead you into a new course of study is bound to prove worth your while. As Mars moves into your efficiency corner for the next month and-a-half, you’ll have the energy to work hard, exercise, tackle your to-do list and make yourself useful — and you’ll take pride in how much you can accomplish, even if you’re not receiving accolades from others. With Venus in your foundation angle vibing with Neptune in your depth zone, take time to enjoy private intimacy or the pleasures of home and family. Relax into a feeling of being at peace with where you are in your life.


August 23–September 22

The sun-Jupiter alliance in your worth house this week can make you feel like you have a lot going for you and are in possession of everything you need, but there’s a chance you’ll get carried away with a hunger to acquire more. You’re apt to identify strongly with what you own now and should try to use this surge of self-confidence to make wise use of your resources — including the full array of your talents. The new moon in this house spars with Mars and Pluto in your joy sector, increasing the temptation to splurge for the sake of pleasure. But actively tapping into your creativity to open up a fresh stream of income would be another possible expression of this lunation. In the next six weeks, Mars will embolden you to pursue what — and perhaps whom — you desire and to enjoy life and express your feelings and personality. This week’s Venus-Neptune rendezvous in your communication and relationship zones can bring an opportunity for you to convey your affection, and it can also foster spiritual, romantic love, so keep your heart open.

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2 Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 26 – October 2
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