Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7

Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.



August 23–September 22

Your ruling planet Mercury zips into your worth house this week, turning your attention to your finances, possessions, talents, values and confidence. Merc is forming an awkward angle to Neptune in your relationship angle, so incorporating one of these things into a relationship would be challenging. For instance, your mindset about money may make your partner seem irresponsible in your eyes. Or you might be talking about something really important to you and be met with a blank stare. Luckily, the sun in Virgo is gelling with Pluto in your love-and-happiness zone, so you’ll be able to express yourself in nonverbal ways—through romance, play, humor and creativity. Just putting your true self out there without inhibition can have a transformative effect on you now. With Venus in your sign for the next few weeks, you’ll ooze charm, warmth, beauty and amiability. This is the time of year when you’re liable to magnetically attract what—and whom—you want.




September 23–October 22

Cerebral Mercury lands in Libra this week, bringing thoughts about personal matters and an ability to convey your point of view. Your mind will be busy, and you’ll be inclined to maintain contact with plenty of people so you can share what you’re thinking. Besides talking, strive to master the art of listening. After all, your sign rules peace and diplomacy. Merc’s unsettling encounter with Neptune might activate your confusion about work and your higher purpose. Don’t expect to come to grips with it. Just take this opportunity to look at the situation from a different angle. A bit of solitude will suit you at some point, as the sun in your seclusion zone jibes with Pluto in your emotions angle and Jupiter in your social sector fights with Pluto. Shine a light on dark emotions welling deep inside you rather than hoping other people will brighten your mood. Venus is entering your seclusion zone herself, so you’ll probably start craving more alone time.




October 23–November 21

As Mercury slips into your spirit sector this week, imagination, intuition, dreams, introspection and quiet study call to you. However, Merc is disagreeing with Neptune in your love-and-creativity zone, so your effort to express yourself artistically, romantically or playfully may lead to confusion or disillusionment. Try to bring your subconscious message to the surface and contemplate it without judgment. Pluto has been in your mindset house for years, compelling you to probe buried, unexamined problems and also instigating a major shift in your thinking. You’ve questioned ideas you used to take for granted as truths and may feel as if there’s a constant crisis brewing in your head. Awareness is often painful, but transformation is impossible without it. Your career aspirations won’t mesh with your mindset now, as there may be too much turmoil in your brain for you to see your path to success. Connecting with other people will be cathartic and energizing. Whenever you feel alone, remember that all living beings are your fellow travelers on the planet.



November 22–December 21

Thanks to Jupiter in your vision sector, you’re aiming quite high—as a Sag should. But Jupiter’s squabble with Pluto in your worth house this week will point to the discrepancy between your aspirations and your resources. Annoying as this may be, knowing what you’re working with—in terms of money, talents and confidence—can help you adjust your expectations, while still remaining altogether optimistic. Believe in yourself and your dreams, but force yourself to get real about what you can back them up with. The sun in your ambition angle is jibing with Pluto, implying that you can shine if you make the most of what you’ve got going for you. Chatty Mercury’s entrance into your group zone encourages you to network in the next few weeks. And Venus is ascending to the top of your chart, coaxing you to keep a high profile so people who are ahead of you on your career path can take notice of your value.




December 22–January 19

Mercury crosses your authority angle this week, spurring you to communicate with a parent or boss and to express your ambitions. But Merc is tangling with foggy Neptune in your thinking-and-talking sector, making it likely that your message won’t come across loud and clear. Be sensitive to how your words are received, and be ready to adjust accordingly. You may need to make another adjustment when Jupiter in your sharing zone clashes with Pluto in your sign. It’s appropriate for you to expect to benefit through others when Jupiter is in this house. But expectations between you and another person are apt to conflict with Pluto’s compulsion for power. Aim to learn something about yourself that helps you to continue to grow. That way, interpersonal tension won’t be the focus. The sun is clicking with Pluto, also encouraging learning that will change you. Seek out new people, unfamiliar activities, travel and anything else that takes you outside your comfort zone—you’re due for a transformative experience.



January 20–February 18

This week, what you hope to gain from a particular relationship or from others in general comes into conflict with something in your psyche that needs to be dealt with. You need to be entirely honest with yourself about what’s going on inside you, because although repressing it may seem easier than confronting it and healing it, it can continue to undermine you. When you make the unconscious conscious, it no longer calls the shots. The sun is in your hidden-matters house and harmonizing with Pluto in your subliminal sector, suggesting that shining a light on something you’ve kept in the dark will restore you from the inside out. If you’ve thought about going into therapy, this would be a productive period for it. It’s important to trust someone enough to let them see these rejected or neglected aspects of yourself. You’ll feel like you’re losing control, when really you’re regaining it. With Mercury and Venus changing signs, a courageous mindset and a desire for closeness and depth set in.



February 19–March 20

Given the awkward angle between Jupiter in your work zone and Pluto in your group house this week, busyness or job-related hopes are likely to conflict with socializing or networking. You’re not doing exactly what you want to be doing every day just yet, but don’t let the pressure get to you. Change takes time. Partnership and one-on-one interaction can assuage your fears and rebuild your determination. With the sun in your relationship angle, you’re feeding off other people’s energy now, so don’t withdraw. Someone close to you may be able to help you take something on your wish list that you’re obsessed with and turn it into a powerful objective. With communicator Mercury moving into your intimacy sector and clashing with dreamer Neptune in Pisces, closeness may prove elusive. Recognize the extent to which you’re hoping someone will read your mind so you can experience the feeling of being deeply understood. Then use your words, either by confiding in that person or by journaling about your feelings.



March 21–April 19

With Mercury crossing your relationship angle this week, you’re encouraged to talk things out one-on-one and clear the air. Dialogue, negotiation and intellectual collaboration are favored for most of the month. It’s also a good time to consult someone for their advice or input. An awkward encounter between Merc and Neptune suggests that your private uncertainty could have a detrimental effect on communication if you allow it to—or a feeling of emptiness could cause you to withdraw. Focusing on work is likely to feel good, as Venus is entering your productivity zone and the sun is already there, syncing up with Pluto in your ambition angle. Your big hopes of sharing your unique gifts with the world may not seem to fit into a particular career path yet, and your faith is apt to battle your fear now. If you’re in a paying-your-dues period, enjoy the satisfaction of doing the best work you’re capable of.




April 20–May 20

Two planets are changing signs this week, and one of them is Venus. She’s moving into your fulfillment sector, portending a few weeks when you’ll have a strong desire to just enjoy life. Creativity, romance, leisure, humor, sports, children and various forms of self-expression and entertainment are emphasized. You’re able to get pleasure from simply being yourself during this time. The sun in that house is harmonizing with Pluto in your exploration zone, indicating that having the courage to put the real you out there can transform your outlook. You may seek out new people and new experiences for the fun of it at first and realize later how they altered your world. Part of you fears change though—and assumes a stable foundation means playing it safe. If you aspire to be secure and are anxious about the future, that tension could get to you now. Life is change. Take a risk now and then! That way, change will happen through you rather than to you.




May 21–June 20

Your ruling planet Mercury lands in your joy sector this week, giving you the green light for all sorts of self-expression. Creative writing, speaking from the heart, humor, playing around with ideas in your head and reading for personal pleasure are all favored in the coming weeks. Given Merc’s uncomfortable skirmish with Neptune in your ambition house, it’s not easy for you to imagine how you’ll reach an elusive goal. Try looking at it from a different angle, perhaps jotting down what comes to mind or creating a vision board. With excessive Jupiter in your communication zone out of sync with domineering Pluto in your sharing house, you could try to get close to someone or to get the upper hand with a lot of talk. You’ll have better results if you strive to relate on an emotional level—spending time alone with someone and being sensitive to their needs as well as your own. A heart connection is worth more than 1,000 words.




June 21–July 22

Mental Mercury dips to the bottom of your chart this week, turning your thoughts to home, family, comfort, the past, private emotions, security and roots. Mercury is out of sync with Neptune in your perspective house, calling for you to ponder how your backstory is affecting your outlook on the future. You may see the world through a spiritual, confusing or distorted lens right now, and thinking a bit about where you come from could help you to conceptualize where you want to go. A Jupiter-Pluto dustup implies you’re reaching for more of what you value, and that may lead to an imbalance between you and someone else. Communication is key, with the sun in your talk sector clicking with Pluto in your relationship angle. The dynamic between you and another person could shift if you make the effort to express yourself clearly and also listen attentively. With Venus entering this house, you’ll start to truly appreciate feeling connected to people on a daily basis.




July 23–August 22

Avid Jupiter in Leo has mildly discordant encounters with the focalizing sun in your resources house and compelling Pluto in your productivity zone this week. So your personal-growth mission won’t sync up neatly with your finances or responsibilities. Your job situation may be in flux, stirring up anxiety in you. And now you’re probably asking yourself something to the effect of “How can I possibly accomplish everything I want to, once I factor in such realities as money, work and time?” Fortunately, the sun is harmonizing with Pluto, hinting that your confidence and your clarity on what’s most important to you will help you slowly but surely change how you spend your days. With clever Mercury entering your cognition sector and valuable Venus dancing into your worth house, your concentration on priorities should sharpen even further. One last caveat: Shift your mindset and choose your words with care if you’re hoping talk will lead to closeness. What you’re after may still elude you.



Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.

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Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7 Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7 Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7 Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7 Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7

Free People Horoscopes By Tracy Allen, Week Of September 1–7
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