Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14

Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.



August 23–September 22

Relationships move to the forefront this week, with the full moon lighting up your others angle and nudging you to balance your drive for personal fulfillment against the needs and feelings of others. Mature Saturn in your mindset house makes this easier by harmonizing with the sun and moon, helping you to keep your head on straight even if you run into drama. Compromise is key, especially because Venus in Virgo is also opposing Neptune in your relationship zone, again calling your attention to the balance between you and others. This particular opposition may highlight your idealization of a relationship or your disillusionment—and may also exacerbate a desire that cannot be filled by another person to your satisfaction. Bring your focus back to your power to create your own happiness. If you’re obsessed with one source of joy—a romantic interest, an artistic project or a pleasurable activity—that feeling may increase now. As long as having what you want in this instance doesn’t keep you from being true to yourself, go after it.



September 23–October 22

This week’s full moon brings you to a breaking point, something that you can easily turn into a good thing. Ask yourself what element of your job, health, productivity or routine is maxed out. What habit needs to go? What duty has become a burden? What change can you make to improve the quality of your daily life? Strong self-worth and taking your needs seriously will help you put something behind you. With Mercury in Libra fighting off Pluto in your domestic zone and Uranus in your relationship angle, communication with family or someone close to you could prove difficult, especially if you’re struggling with weighty emotions or expecting someone to be more committed than they are. But Merc is syncing with Jupiter in your network sector, hinting that group relations are smoother than one-on-one, and faith in humanity can offset some of your frustration with individuals. Prioritize alone time too, because your spirit needs replenishing. You may be too focused on what you’re giving to others and feeling unappreciated or unfulfilled. Tend to your inner life instead.



October 23–November 21

This week’s full moon jibes with both Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto, the ruler of your sign. And it falls in your fulfillment house, reminding you that you need to express your individuality and pursue love, happiness and pleasure. Something that you’ve been working for could come to fruition now. Or you may simply feel like enjoying life and know that you’ve earned that right the hard way. If love or creativity reach a crescendo, focus on how that serves your growth and helps you to contribute something positive to others. Guard against slips of the tongue, with verbal Mercury in your subliminal sector clashing with destructive Pluto in your communication zone. Group relations are a prominent part of your week, and networking could enable you to further your ambition. You have the power to appeal to a large number of people now if you have a strong message you want to convey. Socializing is apt to boost your energy instead of draining you, so get out and see your friends.



November 22–December 21

The full moon lights up the bottom of your chart this week, luring your attention to a domestic or family issue—or possibly to your own emotional needs. This part of your chart also pertains to your roots and the past, and with timekeeper Saturn in your releasing zone, the implication is that letting go of someone or something will bring you to a necessary psychological turning point. The sun and Venus are in your ambition angle, and your ruler Jupiter is making its way through your exploration house. So your energy may be oriented toward where you’re headed and what you want to accomplish in the world. But other planets are reminding you that your personal life and emotional well-being are also important, even if it’s not as easy for you to pinpoint what you need on that level. Socializing or networking will help you maintain a positive outlook, and you should also make sure to keep a high profile professionally, as someone in authority is apt to take notice of your talents now.



December 22–January 19

When the full moon lands in your cognition-and-communication sector this week, it clicks with your ruler Saturn in your network house and Pluto in your sign. So essentially, this is a full moon you can really work with. Something related to writing, speaking, community, siblings, intellect or interactions demands your attention. Teamwork, friends and networking can help you get positive results. The measured application of your strong will also work in your favor. With verbal Mercury in your ambition angle clashing with Pluto though, direct confrontation with an authority figure or communicating your lofty goals outright could be problematic. Coming on too strong is likely to be the root of the problem. But thankfully, Venus is harmonizing with Pluto, suggesting that savoring a new experience will feed your compulsion to plow forward. Traveling with friends or a group would energize you, as would attending a cultural event or meeting someone new through your circle of contacts. Every person who steps into your world has the potential to change the way you look at life.



January 20–February 18

The sun’s awkward encounter with Uranus this week suggests that communication with someone close to you or thinking something through in depth could be a problem. Flexibility will get you past it. The full moon shines a spotlight on self-worth, talents, resources, finances, personal values and material needs. You may profit in some way from this lunation, especially if you’ve been working hard to reach your goals and aligning yourself with profound internal change. Try to balance taking care of your own needs with sharing and trust, as a full moon calls your attention to both ends of the axis. Insecurity or a lack of clarity on what you can call yours is contrasted with a desire to get something from someone else or to attract a particular person. You might be better off looking within and getting in touch with your own power and love. You can offset insecurity by delving into what you have going for you and everything there is to love about you. Sometimes you need to remind yourself what you’re worth.



February 19–March 20

A full moon in your sign brings out your emotions this week, and the moon’s harmonious angles with Saturn and Pluto imply that this could be a productive development rather than a meltdown. Your feelings can point to an area that could use some self-evaluation. The moon puts your needs front and center, but its fullness often points to an ending of some sort. Letting go of something now is apt to tie in with the process of learning to play the game. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your emotions weaken you. Understanding yourself can help you to actualize your vision. With Venus facing off against Neptune in your sign, someone may project their feelings onto you—possibly based on a vibe you don’t think you’re giving off. Idealization, confusion or disillusionment may impact a relationship, and again, self-awareness is key. Venus is gelling with Pluto in your group sector though, so partnership and cooperation could help you to transform your goals. You might also make a connection that has a positive influence on you.



March 21–April 19

The full moon in the last house of your chart this week suggests that you’re due for some alone time—to relax, process your emotions, let your imagination run wild, tend to your spirit and sleep. You’re apt to feel impatient at times, with abrupt Uranus in your sign squabbling with the sun in your duties sector and Mercury in your relationship angle. Your job or the need to work methodically on something is likely to make you bristle. In conversations, you may feel like someone is speaking too slowly or not getting to the point. Your reaction could be to say something blunt or end the convo. But dialogue gives you a better shot at innovation and insight. If you’re disillusioned with work, try to become more aware of your subconscious ideals and what role they might play in job satisfaction. Disciplined, targeted effort; appreciating what you do like about your work life; and digging into a research project can all keep you on track now.



April 20–May 20

This week’s full moon could spell a turning point in a friendship; the culmination of a philanthropic project; a friend or colleague’s crisis; drama at a social event; or a strong, emotional pull to connect with others and to feel like you’re inextricably woven into the fabric of humanity. The moon is clicking with Saturn in your relationship angle also, implying that you’re serious about bonding but may have some fears. A willingness to constantly evolve your outlook will allow you to paint a different future for yourself. The Venus-Neptune faceoff reiterates a longing for ideal love, creativity, happiness, personal fulfillment and relationships. You want to express who you are and what you feel, but you also yearn to fit in—which can sometimes involve losing a part of yourself if you’re not fully conscious of the complex dynamic of merging with others. Venus is also gelling with Pluto, so enjoying love, creativity and play can teach you something about life and transform your perspective. Travel is bound to be especially pleasurable and profound now.



May 21–June 20

This week’s full moon at the top of your chart is apt to nudge you into the spotlight, and you might find yourself having to perform under pressure. Or you could display your emotions in public or feel a need for lots of attention. A goal might very well come to fruition, considering all the hard work you’ve done in the past couple of years. The full moon and a Venus-Neptune opposition remind you to balance your public and private lives—chasing your dreams out in the world and also enjoying the comforts of home and the security of being with people who know you. Mercury in your self-expression house is struggling with dominant Pluto in your sharing sector and unpredictable Uranus in your group zone, so your efforts to convey your message via creativity, humor or heart-felt words may not get the reaction you desire. Don’t get hung up on how people respond to you, because you can’t control others and shouldn’t try to. Express yourself with positivity, openness, generosity, honesty and genuineness.



June 21–July 22

This week’s full moon lands in your exploration zone and harmonizes with Saturn in your fulfillment sector, indicating a readiness to push the envelope, supported by the work you’ve been doing to reach your full potential as an individual. That work stems from taking yourself seriously, and it will serve as a launching pad for your future. Your faith and courage are apt to swell with the full moon, priming you for adventure. With Neptune in your vision house, you’re yearning for something or somewhere different, and Venus’s opposition to Neptune could amplify the feeling of wanting what you don’t have. If you try to share your emotions with someone and don’t feel understood, find another outlet such as journaling. Getting to the bottom of your own feelings is a worthwhile aim in itself. Relationship and/or career change are likely stressing you out, and letting the pressure build up inside you isn’t healthy. Looking back over the past will help you come to grips with what’s going on now.



July 23–August 22

With the sun traveling through your worth zone, much of your focus is currently centered around what you have, what you need and what you’ve got going for you. But this week’s full moon occurs in your sharing sector, calling your attention to others’ needs and the concept of interdependence. The moon is harmonizing with stabilizing Saturn at the bottom of your chart, implying that you’ve been shoring up your foundation and are in a solid position to share your resources with someone. Your inner work is giving you the emotional strength to depend on others and to allow them to depend on you. You may feel like you’re not getting what you need, but if you express yourself in an open, positive manner and relate to people from a place of strong self-worth, the balance between giving and getting won’t matter as much. Putting your gifts to good use will help you to value yourself for the right reasons, and closing the door on a chapter in your past can boost your confidence.



Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $ 125 for 60 minutes, $ 150 for 90 minutes.


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Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14 Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14

Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 8–14
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