Gingered Butternut Squash Fruit Leather Bites – 2 oz. – GREAT for you AND your dog by BeezersBistro

4,00 USD

Gingered Butternut Squash Fruit Leather is sweet yet hot. There are 4 plans of brown sugar, 1 with Honey & 6 of NY Maple Syrup in stock.

Our fruit leather bites are a mix of fruit and often the right touch of included sweetness pureed together and dried into fruit leather which is then cut into pieces for you to make for simpler on-the-go snacking.

You will get 2 oz. – Agent of the picture. Please click on the & quot; & quot; Shipping & Policies & quot; tab for shipping times and rates.

My dried fruit will certainly last (if you can) at least 6 months. If you are situated in warmer climates, refrigeration is suggested to make sure freshness.

Please note all nutritional value info is from sources found on the web.

& Quot; & Quot; Butternut squash includes many vital poly-phenolic anti-oxidants and vitamins. It is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid. It has more vitamin A than that in pumpkin.

Apples are an excellent source of nutritional fiber and vitamin C. Many of the apple’s fiber is consisted of in its skin, as is most of its quercitin. I do leave the skin on.

The Maple Syrup made use of to sweeten the puree is our own tap from Sugar & Black Maples. Maple syrup which contains less calories and a greater concentration of minerals manganese & zinc than honey. These minerals are fantastic for energy production, antioxidant defenses, a healthy heart, body immune system, and men’s health.

Fragrant, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special taste and passion. Ginger is a great source of potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and vitamin B6. Ginger has a long tradition of being really effective in reducing symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.

Honey is a fantastic source of energy. As a carbohydrate, honey products energy at 64 calories per tablespoon, providing fuel to working muscles. A restricted research study at the University of Memphis Exercise and Sports Nutrition Lab discovered honey to be one of the most effective types of carbohydrate gels to ingest just prior to exercise. According to Dr. Richard Kreider, the research study’s lead investigator, & quot; & quot; honey appears to be a carb source that is relatively mild on its results upon blood glucose as compared to other carbohydrate sources. & Quot; & Quot; Honey contains little quantities of a large array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants and these amounts will vary by floral source of the honey. & Quot;

& Quot; Dried fruit is perfect for any outside activity (hikes, cycling, snowboarding, kayaking), long drives or just anytime snacking. You can even share our fruit with your preferred pooch. My pets enjoy it!

I hope you enjoy your purchase and will come back for more. If you have requests for a specific fruit or veggie, by all means send me a conversation.

Delight in!!
Beezer’s Restaurant

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