GoRGeoUS ANTiQuE ArT NouVeaU JeWeLRY CaSKeT by moondogcottage

15,00 USD

This is a beautiful antique fashion jewelry casket in an art nouveau style bought at an estate sale! Very classy! Loads of complex specificing on the leading and sides. In the center of the top is a piece that resembles leather. On the bottom left it is just starting to raise up – but a teenie area of glue would take care of that. I will leave that approximately the purchaser. Aside from that, the within red velour lining remains in excellent condition and it is a terrific find! It determines around 1 1/2 & quot; tall x 4 & quot; & quot; broad x 3 & quot; deep.

Please visit my site at https://moondogcottage.wix.com/moondogcottage and my blog site at www.moondogcottage.blogspot.com!

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