Green Tara Thangka by maiaart

25,00 USD

Watercolor 8×10 & quot; & quot

; print This Veggie Tara was made in honor of my fantastic good friend and teacher The Age-old Lopen Ngawang Tenzing who lives in Bhutan.

This is a charming recording of the Mantra;

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha Tara (whose name suggests … & quot; & quot; star & quot; or & quot; she who ferryboats across & quot;& quot;-RRB- is a Bodhisattva of compassion who manifests in female form. In Tibetan, Tara is called & quot; & quot; Dölma & quot; (Sgrol-ma), or & quot; She Who Conserves. & Quot; In particular she represents compassion in action, because she remains in the process of stepping from her lotus throne in order to assist sentient beings. Tara’s mantra is a caring play on her name. According to Sangharakshita, a conventional explanation of the mantra is that the variations of her name represent 3 progressive stages of salvation. 1. Tāre represents redemption from ordinary threats and suffering. Tara is seem as a savioress who can give services from material threats such as floods, criminal activity, wild animals, and traffic accidents. 2. Tuttāre represents deliverance into the spiritual path conceived in regards to individual redemption. In conventional terms, this is the course of the Arhant, which causes individual freedom from suffering. This is seen in Mahayana Buddhism as a type of enlightenment where empathy does not figure highly. 3. Finally, ture represents the culmination of the spiritual course in terms of deliverance into the selfless course of universal redemption – the Bodhisattva path. In the Bodhisattva course we strive for individual enlightenment, however we likewise connect compassionately with the sufferings of others, and aim to liberate them at the exact same time as we seek enlightenment ourselves. Svaha, according to Monier Monier-William’s Sanskrit Dictionary, indicates: & quot; & quot; Hail! & Quot; & Quot;, & quot; Hail to! & quot; & Quot; or & quot; May a true blessing rest on! & quot; Her mantra can for that reason be rendered as something like & quot; OM! Hail to Tara (in her three roles as a savioress)! & Quot;

& Quot; can buy on Etsy for maiaart