Handmade lampwork glass pendant, Artisan glass bead, red beads, blue beads, purple beads, glass pendant, focal bead, sun bead, SRA by AvasBeadGarden

24,00 USD

Handmade lampwork glass focal pendant made with a lovely flame reactive glass, formed totally by hand in the flame. The layering of the colors advise me of the painted desert in Arizona just much more vibrant. This glass focal features a distinct combination of colors consisting of, however not restricted to amber, gold, blue, purple and deep red. The pictures were taken up near to show information. This bead was made by me, at my torch, in my house studio.

*** No remakes on this folks so if you like it better get it while you can: O)

YOU WILL CERTAINLY GET: 1 handmade lampwork glass bead focal.


BEAD HOLE: 3.2 mm

BEAD SIZE: Function focal bead = 30x30mm all around.

All contributed material © Stephanie McCain.
Self Representing Artist member # M78. When you purchase SRA handmade beads you are directly supporting distinct, one of a kind glass art made by independent professionals and studios, not mass produced recreations mady by the millions in a factory. Please assistance local, sustainable, indie handmade.

If you are seeing this listing on any website aside from Etsy, it is deceptive and being used without my permission.

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