Handspun Hand Dyed Lincoln Longwool Curly Wool Bulky Art Yarn in Dark Red for Knitting Crochet Weave by KnoxFarmFiber by knoxfarmfiber

25,00 USD

More red yarn here, but not at all the red of vacations to come. It’s more of a chipotle red – a deep smoky spicy red as the silver and brown of the natural wool shines through.

The wool is from Rosie, another of my Lincoln Longwool friends who lives on a farm in Western NY. Her natural wool is silver, tan, gray, brown, charcoal– everything however white.

Her fleece has been handspun from the locks into a semi-smooth, semi-curly skein of 52 yards.

The yarn is fairly large and heavy but soft. It will surely keep an individual warm if required.

I would make use of a size 13 or bigger needle for knitting. Be sure to knit or crochet rather freely as you do not wish to choke this yarn.

This wool will certainly wet-felt.

Thanks from everyone at KnoxFarmFiber.

Listing: 212839521

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