Heart ACEO Original Watercolor Small Valentine Painting Red Blue ATC Artist Trading Card Friendship Gift Heartful Art by Raphaella Vaisseau by Heartfulart

9,95 USD

& quot; & quot; HEART OF A SAILING VESSEL & quot; & quot; is deep blue and lilac heart swimming in a deep red sea. It is an initial (not a print) 2.5 & quot; & quot; x 3.75 & quot; watercolor painting by Raphaella Vaisseau on Fabriano watercolor paper, signed by the artist. Envelope is consisted of.

I painted this heart in 2009 when I first found Fabriano’s box of watercolor cards and envelopes – prior to I knew about art cards. Purists can trim.25 & quot; & quot; off the top edge to make it exactly ACEO size. (However, you might prefer the look of Fabriano’s rough edge so I’ll let you decide.)

I believe a painting of a heart can help us to focus in on our own hearts, to listen and trust our own inner guidance above all things. This little heart original is a stunning pointer to do that.

Enjoy my developments. For more art, search my Heartful Art online webstore at this link: https://www.heartfulart.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc

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