Hit The Reset Button

Sometimes you just need to…

This post comes from our blog intern, Emily.

For most of us, there’s this thing that we dedicate most of our week to — work. We have routines to follow… it’s just day-to-day business. It’s life, I guess? But we tend to pick up all this, uh, junk along the way — stress, stagnancy, uncertainty, which can affect us mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. This junk I speak of disconnects us from ourselves, causing us to lose our center, become unbalanced and “clogged up.”

So then comes a time when we’ve no choice but to hit the reset button. Why?

It’s incredibly important, if not vital to your well-being.

Two weeks ago, I caught myself acting moody, a little rude to the ones I love, and just exhausted. Saying out loud, “I need to go somewhere” which threw up the red flag, alerting me to act before I ended up having a total meltdown.

Last weekend, I left the city for a MUCH needed reset. I know that, for me, nothing feels better than experiencing a new place and getting into nature, so that’s precisely what I did. I didn’t go far, only t 1 1/2 hour’s drive away. Packed up sneakers, leggings, a t-shirt and sunscreen, and took off for the woods. As soon as the city streets and buildings were replaced with trees in my rear-view, something in me shifted. I could physically feel a weight lifting from me. A new attitude, endless smiles, the ability to take a deep breath. Really. I hiked for two days, explored small towns and new areas, and slowwwed down. With each step I took I felt all the junk dissolve.

I felt like a whole new person. I felt like me again. I love me and really missed me!

Find what brings you alll the joy, what completely resets you, and DO it. Leave the city for a weekend, or go to the city for a weekend! Go to a concert, dance your ass off. Spend time near water. See your friends. You’ll be oh-so-glad you did (those around you will be glad, too).

It felt so good to ignore my normal weekend routine and do the opposite. We’re all dealing with our stuff and living our lives, but it’s easy to lose yourself and harder to appreciate things when you’re not dedicating time to do what you just gotta do.

+What about you? What helps you reset?!

Follow Emily on Instagram and Tumblr.

Hit The Reset Button Hit The Reset Button Hit The Reset Button Hit The Reset Button Hit The Reset Button

Hit The Reset Button
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