Homemade teething crackers

Homemade teething crackers

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 25 mins
  • Yield: 36crackers
  • Ingredients

  • 1cupflour
  • 1cupdry infant rice cereal with bananas( or other flavored or unflavored infant cereal)
  • 3tablespoonscooking oil
  • ice water
  • Directions

  • Preheat oven 425 F degrees.
  • Mix flour and cereal.
  • Gradually stir in oil.
  • Mix a little ice water at a time (start with 1/4 cup) until dough begins to form a ball and pull away from the bowl.
  • Roll out to the thickness of a cracker on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes.
  • Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown.
  • Cool completely.
  • Store in an airtight container.
  • Reviews

  • “The recipe is basically good. I made just one change – instead of water I used juice to bring the dough together. Added just a touch of sweetness and flavor. And I also cooked them until they were like hockey pucks. At 350 til golden brown, then down at 200 until hard enough I couldn’tbite them apart easily. So far my 8 month old hasn’t been able to crumble one, instead it sorta mushes off as he sucks/gums it.”

  • “I used cold breast milk instead of ice water. This worked well. I added just enough to hold the dough together – it’s easier to add the liquid a bit at a time, just until you get cohesion – that way you won’t get the sticky problem. Super easy. Thanks!”

  • “Thanks for the recipe.Mine were kind of rubbery so they didnt crumble.I guess I must have made mine too big, It made 17 cookies.The dough was sticky for me too.i rolled it into balls with floured hands and flattened them with the bottom of the measuring cup.My daughter liked them too.Thanks again for a great recipe.”

  • “Great recipe for several reasons. It has no milk or eggs, both of which I am not to give DD until at least one year of age according to her pediatrician. So many infant recipes have one or both of those ingredients! They are hard so DD can suck and chew on them without them falling apart right away.I did have trouble with the dough – it is impossible to roll out!I rolled the dough into small balls, then flattened them with the bottom of a glass to make small round cookies.It worked well and was much less frustrating than my attempt at rolling the sticky dough.”

  • “I had a hard time with this dough.It was really sticky and hard to manipulate, plus I have never made crackers before so I mostly made a big mess and wasted a lot of the dough.However, a few actually made it into the oven and the three year old actually ate some and the baby cries when you take them away, so I guess they are a hit! I will definately try again.I used half whole wheat flour. A note: these are not quitehard enough to be teething crackers, the chunks don’t dissolve in the baby’s mouth and she can get choked on them. So be watchful! “

  • “OMG TY TY TY TY i have been looking ofr something to do with the extra baby cereal I have since my grandson REFUSES to eat breakfast. I will be making this week and let ya know if he will eat these Tina from Oklahoma”