Japanese Tri-Mold Glass Fishing Float – Baseball Size, Alaska Beachcombed, Light Green, Uncommon Mark by GlassFloatJunkie

24,99 USD

This is a Japanese tri-mold glass fishing float that was beachcombed in Alaska, on a remote beach , along the Bering Sea coast of the Aleutians.

The float is made from recycled glass & is a pre-1950’s float. The glass is a shade of green. It is nice & shiny even though it was beachcombed after many miles on the open ocean !! There are some light net marks etched in the glass from exposure to the sand while the net was still on it. It is about 3.2 & quot; in diameter, or similar to the size of a baseball. The marks on the sides are the sideways 4. This is one of the more uncommon marks on a tri-mold. It is believed these marks were carved into wooden molds when the floats were being made. The meaning is unknown. This is a super nice float & it will really reflect the sunshine! We have no sunshine today, which is a good thing because it’s raining & we need it! 🙂

Please zoom on the images to see the details of this gem!

Glass fishing floats are ideal for home / beach / nautical decor, outdoor decor & ponds, and they make unique recycled gifts!

All of the floats I sell were once actual working fishing floats. I do not sell reproduction or contemporary floats, or those meant for the gift trade.

NEW SHIPPING POLICY: Due to the increase in international shipping charges, I will gladly send any boxes under 4 pounds via first -class mail. It is much less expensive, but will take quite a bit longer to receive. If you would like your floats sent this way, please message me or make a note when you make your purchase. I will refund the difference in shipping charges.

For example, I just sent a single 3 & quot; float to the UK. Priority was $ 28. First-class mail was just under $ 10.

Можно available at Etsy for GlassFloatJunkie