Large Photo Album, portrait format family album, yellow blue photo book by nauli

< img src =""border= "0"width="570" height ="429"/ >< p class="rate"> 58,00 EUR A high format household picture album in intense yellow and graphic wax batik pattern.

This photo book can host up to 120 photos of 4 x 6 & quot;& quot;. Pictures It determines 230mm x 300mm = 9 & quot; & quot; x 12 & quot; in portrait/ high format. And has 60 pages (30 sheets).
You can pick between black and ivory white pages

Other size options are:
Medium (landscape) 205mm x 150mm = 8 & quot; & quot; x 6 & quot;, black
or white XLarge (landscape) 350mm x 250mm = 13.7 & quot; & quot; x 10 & quot;, black
or white Jumbo30 350mmx350mm = 13,7 & quot; & quot; x 13,7 & quot; black or white

< br/ > We utilize acid totally free chromocarton and glassine interleaving to offer your images the environment for a long life

The exact same design in size M:.
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