Large Rag Crochet Doily Rug Pattern-Daydreams by RaggedyAnns

8,50 USD ** This listing is for the pattern only.

It is a downloadable PDF file. Develop your own rug utilizing bed sheets cut into strips and then crocheted using these instructions. I not just offer the crochet pattern, but I likewise include an easy, fast method for cutting the sheets into the strips needed.

This carpet is much larger than my other rug patterns. It measures a whooping 68 inches, or 5 feet, 8 inches across at its widest point. This would definitely be the centerpiece in any space.

< br/ >< br/ > A fundamental knowledge of crochet is needed, and is written in standard American terms. Stitches utilized are, chain, slip stitch, single crochet, and double crochet. I am likewise pleased to assist along the method!

< br/ > I used six sets of twin sized sheets, scissors, and a crochet hook to create this carpet.

< br/ > If you would like a completed rug please contact me, I would be delighted to make one for you.

< br/ > You are welcome to use this pattern and sell the finished product.

< br/ > Please keep in mind that all pattern sales are last. No refunds.

Sorry, this pattern is not included in the 3 for $ 12.

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