LODESTONE Magnetite Tumbled Gemstone large powerful attraction manifestation crystal grid activator stone good luck amulet by ShaktiStudios

3,33 USD

Awesome tumbled Lodestone, balancing 1 inch each. Rate is for one, chosen from the batch at random

LODESTONE: Ruled by the Root Chakra, Lodestone is the naturally magnetized kind of Magnetite, and has a powerful favorable/ negative polarity, which helps to move us into polarity balance. It is a wonderful energy/ chakra alignment stone, and is utilized by those doing crystal recovery work to deal with energy flow issues in the energy fields. Lodestone is an effective stone of symptom, bring in people and circumstances desired when employed for this purpose. It is utilized in the Craft as a destination and all the best amulet.
Is a power crystal grid activator stone.

All my stones are smeared and charged in sun/ moon light.

Shakti Goddess Arts aka Shakti Studios

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