Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask

Up your mineral intake with this easy DIY beauty recipe, courtesy of our recent FP Escapes retreat to Yellowstone!

When minerals come together in nature they create awe-inspiring spectacles. What happens when they come together in our bodies is not a far cry.

We need a mineral-rich diet to run at optimal performance. And the perks of such? Glowing skin and white teeth. But some minerals absorb into the body easier when applied topically. Adding them to your bath soak, mixing them in with a masque, or working them into your moisturizing routine are great ways to move minerals into the bloodstream quickly and consistently.

Benefits of Magnesium

Every cell in the body needs magnesium. It’s essential for bone, tooth, muscle and joint health, and helps to balance hormones, calms the nervous system, and helps our cells assimilate vitamin D and calcium. Thanks to soil depletion and prescription drug use, most of us today are deficient in magnesium. But one of the best ways to add it back is via your skin. Replenishing the body with magnesium can combat anxiety, depression, insomnia, muscle soreness, nutrient deficiency and more.

Get the Recipes – 

Photos By: Jillian Guyette

Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask

Make: A Yellowstone-Inspired Mineral Mask
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