MANDIBLE HORSE: Papercraft Device Trap for AMPUTHEATRE by ChenilleMacabre

< img src =""border="0" width ="570"height="429"/ > 0,99 USD A timeless torture device modernized for AMPUTHEATRE combat, the Mandible Horse has discovered its way into lots of an arena! Slashers impaled upon its triangular blade have no recourse however to leave, lest gravity gradually and agonizingly tear them in 2- beginning at the crotch

The Mandible Horse determines 2.25 & quot!; (5.715 cm) wide and stands roughly 3 & quot;& quot;.(7.62 cm) tall when put together

< br/ > The Mandible Horse is an accessory for AMPUTHEATRE: The World’s Goriest Board Game. It is not a game in its own right; you will require the AMPUTHEATRE Rulebook and board in order to play (out now! Have a look at for more!)

< br/ > Patent 2005, 2009. AMPUTHEATRE, The World’s goriest Parlor game, Mandible Horse, and the Mandible logo design are Copyright 2013 by Gil Merritt. All rights scheduled.

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