Mason Jar Soap Dispenser with Stainless Steel Pump – Blue Pint by tickledpinkgoods

23,00 USD

Not only a practical soap dispenser, this repurposed vintage pint Sphere jar is also ornamental, including a modern rustic charm to any kitchen, bathroom, or utility room.

Fill it with soap, hand sanitizer, dish soap, lotion. whatever you need.

The blue pint jar measures approximately 5.25 & quot; & quot; tall and 3 & quot; large. The pump takes it to & quot; 7 & quot; tall in total.

The lids are made from steel, however resemble the initial zinc covers. They have shown to be more resilient than the soft zinc and require much less care to keep them looking great. If you would rather have the zinc cover though, convo me to see if I have any in stock.

Also readily available in the quart size.

Have your very own container? I likewise sell the pump covers separately!

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