Matcha Blueberry – Whipped Shea Body Butter by soapopotamus

8,00 USD

Matcha Blueberry was influenced by my mom’s long-time breakfast tradition. Every early morning she greets the day with green tea and a blueberry pastry, which she states an incredible combination, and I agree! it’s pleasant and rejuvenating and perfect if you enjoy heady tea fragrances.

Soapopotamus whipped shea body butter is precisely that – Pure shea butter whipped by hand by me in individual batches. Only a small amount of jojoba oil, fragrance oil, and the barest minimum of natural colorant is included. Shea butter is the king of hydration – soft and creamy, ultra-conditioning without remaining for long on the surface area of your skin. It’s so rich that it can be used rather moderately and on any body surface area – limbs, face, feet and hands – anywhere you require added moisture and security.

Weight: Roughly 1.7 oz. in a stunning brushed gold color screw-top tin – the best size and style for a purse, over night bag, briefcase or vanity.

Components: Shea Butter, Colorant, Fragrance

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