Nude Female Figure wearing Striped Tights – & quot; The Center Ring & quot; – Fine Art Reproduction of a Charcoal Drawing by Krystyna81

18,00 USD

A rich, spectacular reproduction of my original charcoal making use of Modeling Paste. All of the values and structures are caught in the print. The shadows are rich and deep, the highlights pure and brilliant.

The initial piece is a charcoal illustration of a female figure perched on a stool, intense sunlight cast thru the window. Developed on a birch panel prepared with gesso and modeling paste, developing a distinct surface with mysterious environment.

I established this distinct method as a modern-day approach to charcoal drawing. The surface area can be sanded as i draw, allowing for various modifications. The structure created on the surface constructs an environment as I apply a number of layers of charcoal to the drawing.

The print is on Velour Fine Art paper, a somewhat textured, heavy weight paper. Created with Archival Epson Inks. 8 1/2 & quot; x 11 & quot; & quot; paper. Image size is approx. 7 & quot; & quot; square. There is approx. 1 & quot; & quot; border for framing, and it is signed by me, the artist, below the image (watermark does not appear on the final print)

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