On Discipline
Pictures and words once floated ’round our brains and out and (hopefully) in again… possibly scribbled down on the back of a hand or in a book or carefully executed on hand-stretched canvas for fear we could otherwise forget about them.
In many ways, fortunately, they can now be stashed forever in the halls of social media.
However fleeting or massive the moment, Instagram has become the wallet so many of us choose to house and share these images.
Nothing wrong with it – it’s technology, it’s advancement, it’s time.
Some of you may not really know anything different.
But something in my Self has changed with the onset of this want of immediate capture and display… why do I have this desperate need to have the BEST picture of FKA Twigs in my Instagram circle? Will my friends be able to tell that I zoomed in so that it looks like I’m in row 3 instead of 33?
Most of my waking time is spent looking through glass of some sort… my phone (which is also my wallet, my watch, my camera, my calculator, my bill-payer, my shopping mall, etc.), my computer, my tv.
I’ve chosen more often than not to stop looking.
Looking with my eyes.
Looking with my heart.
Looking with purpose.
How does one maintain the discipline of looking? And remembering? With your own eyes?
+ More inspirational posts from the BLDG 25 blog.