Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming

If you’ve never been to Wyoming, this photo diary will show you what you’re missing out on!

Whether or not you’re from Jackson Hole, Wyoming… you are still from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The fresh, crisp air. The gemstone blue water. The mountains so massive you can’t fully comprehend. The fluffy, open fields. The sparkling night sky. These are the elements from which we were all born.

When you go to Jackson Hole, go there with intention. To learn. To breathe. To discover. To heal.

Make yourself uncomfortable – your inner growth thrives on the unfamiliar. Plunge from that rock into Phelps Lake. Look down. Take it in. Don’t hold your breath… exhale. Find the hidden hot springs you’ve only experienced in your dreams. Marvel at the idea that these are the work of pure nature.

Camp. Sing. Laugh. Eat.

Hike to Delta Lake with a playful determination. Let your heart skip a beat when you stumble on that one rock that wasn’t as sturdy as it appeared. When fellow hikers glance curiously at that dress you’re wearing with a “this girl doesn’t know what she’s in for” look in their eye, flash a big bright smile that says “Oh yes I do.”

Keep an eye out, always. Look up. Look out. Count the deer. Count the stars. Count the steps from here to there. Go, but stop. Let nature be your guide to finding stillness; finding balance; finding home.

Photos of Brigette by Dutch Simpson.
Follow Brigette on Instagram, and have a look at her blog Hummusbird!

Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming

Photo Diary: Roaming Wyoming
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