Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hrs 10 mins
  • Yield: 2loaves
  • About This Recipe

    “I love pumpkin and this is a really good bread. Great for bake sales, food gifts. Slice and add a little cream cheese for parties.”


  • 3cupsflour
  • 1teaspoonbaking soda
  • 1teaspoonsalt
  • 1tablespooncinnamon
  • 2cupssugar
  • 2cupspumpkin( cooked fresh or canned)
  • 4eggs, beaten
  • 1 1/4 cupscooking oil
  • 1cupnuts
  • Directions

  • Preheat oven to 350°.
  • Grease and flour 2 loaf pans.
  • Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl; set aside.
  • Mix pumpkin, eggs, oil, and nuts together.
  • Combine mixtures and blend thoroughly.
  • Pour into pans.
  • Bake for 45-60 minutesor until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  • Remove from pans and cool on a rack.
  • Reviews

  • “Easy and delicious!Just the right treat to get me ready for fall!!The whole family scarfed this down in a matter of hours!!I used about a 12 teaspoon of pumkin pie spice in addition to the cinnamon!Yummy yummy!Will make again for freinds!!Thanks :)”

  • “Easy and very good. I used toasted pecans, which worked very well in this recipe. “

  • “This was really good! Makes 2 fullsize loaves”

  • “These were really good! I added an extra cup of pumpkin like jessdavis suggested, I used nearly a tablespoon of pumpkin spice and topped the rest off with extra cinnamon. I also added a glug of vanilla. I baked 24 muffins for 25 minutes. I am baking the loaf right now. The muffins are so good! My husband accused me of trying to pass of pumpkin cupcakes as muffins, though these were much more moist than any cupcake. Next time I may try adding chocolate covered sunflower seeds instead of nuts.”

  • “I have not ever made pumpkin bread, but wanted to try it.The bread had a good consistancy, but not much flavor.I was a little dissappointed.”

  • “Good, basic recipe, rose beautifully.Needed to cook a bit longer in my oven.Needs a bit more spice or other ingredients to make it more interesting.I tossed mini chips and raisins with flour and mixed them into the batter.Put coarse sugar on top.”

  • “This is the best pumpkin bread ever. You can actually taste the pumpkin with this recipe, rather than just being able to taste the spices. Really moist as well!”

  • “very easy as mentioned before…everyone gobbled it up…perfect with some cream cheese spread ontop…i did add extra spices also”

  • “I was not impressed at all bythis had too much of a flour taste and it didn’t have that sticky top that I love”

  • “I made the recipe pretty much as is- just substituted 1/3 part whole wheat flour and cut the sugar down by 1/3 cup.I wasn’t that impressed- needed more spices like others added because it wasn’t that pumpkiny or spice-a-licious.Will be looking for a different recipe or building on this one.”

  • “I was looking for a simple pumpkin bread recipe and came across this one and used it because of all the great reviews and I had everything on hand that it called for (a big bonus when you have two kids and can’t run to the store at the drop of a hat!)I decided to take some of the suggestions in the other reviews and added a tad more cinnamon and substituted homemade unsweetened applesauce for the oil.It made 12 muffins, a med. loaf and a small loaf…it’s baking in the oven as I’m tying this and it smells so delicious!Can’t wait to taste it…”

  • “I won’t rate this ’cause I messed with the recipe a lot. I used some roasted butternut squash instead of pumpkin, and added extra spices (1/2 t ginger, 1/4 t nutmeg and cloves), halved the sugar (we are really trying to cut back), and used melted butter for the oil. In the end it was delicious, just like pumpkin pie, and fairly moist, but I think I’ll up the squash/pumpkin by 1/2 a cup next time, and try to sub in some applesauce for 1/2the butter. I didn’t miss the extra sugar at all, but I’m in the habit of cutting it back in most recipes, and was looking for something more breakfast-y than a sweet snack. Come to think of it honey would be very yummy in this too.”

  • “Thanks for posting this recipe. It’s so simple and fast to make. The pumpkin bread came out tasting really good. I’m gonna add chocolate chips next time I make it.”

  • “I have made a lot of quickbreads, and this is by far the most moist. It is the perfect balance of sweetness and spiciness. I was giving one loaf to a friend who had a bad day, so I added 1 C of chocolate chunks instead of the nuts. Perfect!”

  • “I have made this bread at least a dozen times over the fall and holidays. Everyone loves it. I added chocolate chips for a nice sweet taste!”

  • “sooo yummy. i halved the recipe to make one loaf as a test run first. I used 1/2 c applesauce in place of the 2 eggs since my daughter is allergic to eggs. I also did not add any nuts since I didn’t have any on hand. I used libys canned pumpkin. very moist delicious bread. the loaf is almost gone already so I will definitely be making again.thnx for sharing :)”

  • “At first, my husband insisted on using Alton Brown’s recipe for Pumpkin Bread (from “Good Eats” on Food Network). I ran into a problem with having only two cups of fresh pumpkin. So the measurements were all off. I found this recipe and I’m soo glad I did! We made two separate loaves [because we didn’t have two pans.. thought we did]. IT’S SOO DELICIOUS!!! I kept one and gave the other to the rest of the house (we live with my parents and siblings at home). Family enjoyed it too! My husband says he doesn’t like pumpkin bread, but give it time. He’ll see me eating it or be hungry and grab it and then tell me to shush because I told him so. Lol. Thanks! :)”

  • “yummy”

  • “OK, so it’s sort of silly giving a recipe 5 stars when you’ve made changes.It’s just that it’s so good!I imagine that if you made it as written, it would be at least as delicous.I made it healthier by using half and half White Wheat and White flour.I also lowered the fat significantly by using about 3/4 cup of plain, lowfat yogurt, topping it off with oil to get 1 1/4 cups.You don’t notice the changes at all.Truly delicious, decadent and moist.I also used 1 Tbs. pumpkin pie spice, (instead of the cinnamon called for), and a bit extra cinnamon, just because it made sense.I had a bit of left over pumpkin, (I used fresh, microwaved pureed and drained), about 1/2 cup, so I just added that as well.It was quickly devoured by my family with boisterous demands for “MORE!”.”

  • “I added an extra cup of pumpkin.Made it extra, extra moist.I took one loaf to work and they said that it was better than the University of Tennessee Bakery’s pumpkin bread.I had that bread everyday for breakfast when I went there and this recipe is much better!”