Quitting Sugar for Good
With the belief that diets and cleanses don’t work, but a permanent lifestyle change does.
This post comes from our friend and founder of Catalyst Gold, Medea Juhasz.
There is a certain sincerity borne from those products created by and for their founders’ health issues; really, there is something magical about bottling a formula for others that once healed YOU. The tale of Herbalore and Catalyst Gold boasts similar, inspired by both my studies of nutrition and my personal journey.
I subconsciously developed Catalyst Gold almost a decade ago, after a self-destructive lifestyle left me with liver damage, digestive issues, ulcers, a weak immune system, allergies and reoccurring sinus infections. I tried every diet and cleanse to eliminate sugar and unhealthy food cravings with zero success. I started to study herbalism and holistic nutrition and, at the same time, I began experimenting with superfoods, superfruits, minerals, herbs and amino acids. It took me a long time to perfect the exact ratio but, when I finally did, my health issues disappeared one by one. The very formula responsible for profoundly transforming my own health became the foundation for Catalyst Gold.
Catalyst Gold is formulated to reprogram the body on a cellular level, while aiding in necessary nourishment and detoxification without harsh cleanses and unrealistic dietary restrictions. I strongly believe diets and cleanses don’t work; a permanent lifestyle change does.
My customers call CG “magic”; it works with your system and, just like a good adaptogen, it gives your body whatever it needs. I call it the ultimate “one-stop shop” kickstarter supplement for those who are new to the wellness party; all you need is the willingness to make a change.
Can you tell us, in simple terms, just why sugar should be avoided? How exactly does it do us harm?
Growing up, my new age-y parents used to refer to processed sugars as the “white death” because they rob your body of vitality, energy and health.
Processed sugars can overload your liver, contribute to nutrient deficiencies, and cause insulin resistance which can progress into type 2 diabetes. The metabolic problems associated with sugar consumption are a known driver of inflammation and acidity, a potential cause of cancer.
We are still having trouble resisting these foods, despite the fact that we know they are bad for us. Sugar and processed junk foods can cause massive dopamine release which is the reason sugar is slightly more addictive than cocaine. High-fat and high-sugar foods stimulate the brain the exact same way that drugs do. Plus, sugar contributes to obesity, ages your skin and damages your teeth.
Can you point out any sugars that we may not easily recognize?
Low-fat, reduced-fat, calorie-free, or fat-free foods are almost always filled with refined sugar. Sugar also lurks in almost all processed foods, including breads, meats, condiments and even roasted savory nuts. The list of sneaky and harmful sweeteners is long — from cane sugar, beet sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, corn solids, sucrose, aspartame, maltose, molasses, glucose and maltodextrin to agave.
High-fructose corn syrup is the most harmful highly processed form of sugar, which is actually found in 90% of processed foods and drinks on the market. It is crucial to learn ingredients and read nutrients labels carefully to identify harmful sugars and sweeteners.
If you opt for being less strict, but are still looking for a healthy alternative, I would go for raw coconut nectar which possesses a low glycemic index score of 35 and a nearly neutral pH.
It’s good to avoid fruits completely during a few-day detox or candida-type cleanse, but fruits have necessary vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and phytochemicals to keep us healthy on a long run. Those rich in vitamin C will help your brain convert the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin. Our body is amazing — once you start adding healthier choices, your taste buds will adjust naturally.
Start your the day with warm lemon water which helps to keep blood sugar levels down and can aid in digestion.
Invest in an L-glutamine supplement which can be an instant quencher for sugar cravings.
Replacing nutritionally empty foods with miraculous superfoods like chlorella and spirulina also helps the body to feel nourished, vitalized and crave less sugar. Superfoods literally can help to change your palate so you can start craving all the healthy stuff.
Catalyst Gold is packed with two of the most important powerhouse green superfoods — spirulina and chlorella. Just these two alone contain a huge dose of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9; and vitamins A, C and E. They are excellent source of potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. These super algaes are also about 60 percent protein, aiding digestion and managing hunger.
As one of the key ingredients in CG, I specifically added L-glutamine to my formula. This amazing gut-healing amino acid helps stop sugar (and alcohol) cravings by helping the body to suppress insulin and thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels. When you mix herbs, minerals, amino acids with superfoods in the right ratio, it can create a miraculous chemical reaction in the body.