Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler

Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler

We waited months for it to get here. We arrived in Whistler, the festival happened, and we are now left to reflect on what was nothing short of a life-changing experience. It’s important to take it all in – the learnings, the friends, the love. Our days were jam-packed, and I know I speak for everyone when I say that there was no one moment of inspiration. All day long, new philosophies, techniques, and points of view flooded our minds. What changes will we make? What new outlooks do we have? How can this impact go beyond ourselves? None of it will be worthwhile if we don’t sit and ask these questions.

For me, there are prevailing messages at Wanderlust of love and practice, but there is also a stress on fun, community, and nature. We talked again and again about finding our practice, and I learned that this doesn’t have to mean following what’s traditional. Instead, it has to be what works for you.

Look to what grounds you. How can you bring yourself back to center in order to act with love, precision, and intention? Do you meditate each day? Or perhaps you make it a point to go for frequent hikes in order to reconnect with nature. Whatever it is, it’s important to pick your practice and commit to it. Doing so will build a mirror within yourself in which you can reflect when life throws you ripples.

And, don’t get so fussy with the study. The truest moments of enlightenment come when we are living life. All you can ever do is the best you can, and you must try to enjoy yourself along the way. Be wild, be free, be you, and follow your heart.

The end goal is to be strong within ourselves, so that we can share with those around us. It’s important to forgive and to approach the world with love, building a community that supports one another, recycles good deeds, and is at one with the earth. Look to nature’s rhythms and learn to move in sync.

There is no one way of going about it. Each morning – whether camping (as I was), hosteling, or staying in a luxury resort – we all rose early, eager to get the day off right. Some began with a good sweat, some went on extreme adventures, and others sat in stillness. Everyone sought what their own soul needed in order to find that grounded center.

The day proceeded in much the same way, as we bustled from class to class, stopped to check out spectacular displays of music and acro yoga, climbed atop mountains, and refreshed our bodies with jumps in Lost Lake. We snacked like squirrels, nibbling on apples, dried fruit, and granola to keep our energy up. And no matter how early we thought we were going to go to bed, each night ended with live music and laughter amongst new friends.

We constructed a community of openness, love, and happiness that will extend well beyond our time in Whistler. What we learned and shared together can never be traded for anything.

Check out Naomi’s blog Numie Abbot.

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Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler

Reflections On Wanderlust Whistler
Free People Blog