Rose Petals, Dried Roses, Edible Flowers, Real, Fragrant, Pink, Confetti, Flower Petals, Dry Flowers, Petal Confetti, Wedding Decor, by LarkspurHill

8,00 USD

1 glass tube of fragrant dried miniature pink rose petals. I grew these very little flowers without pesticides here in my home garden on Larkspur Hillside.
Sprinkle these petals on cupcakes, wedding event cakes or desserts.
Freeze them in ice cubes.
Sprinkle on wedding reception tables.
Include a pinch of petals in each invitation.
Each glass tube is around 6 inches x 1 inch long.
These light pink aromatic increased petals are pulled apart from roses in my garden, as displayed in image # 3.

I utilize earth-friendly garden techniques here on Larkspur Hill.
Homemade garden compost keeps my soil rich. I shred utilized paper, garden clippings and delegates to make compost. Then, the compost turns back into rich soil.
Ladybugs and lacewings and preying mantises eat the aphids and other bad bugs.
My 3 kitties keep the squirrels out.
A pair of hawks keep the mice away by day; and an owl patrols at night.
A white picket fence blocks the rabbits from eating my flowers and veggies.
I pull the weeds by hand.
It seldom rains here in the desert.
The sky is always blue, blue.

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