Sighthound in Love Necklace — Orange White Silver Dichroic Glass by FrumsGlassMenagerie

20,00 USD

This pendant showcases a sighthound on an orange, green, and white glass pendant. Touches of silver dichroic glass include interest to this piece. The pendant is kiln formed and has been etched with one of my own designs. The design is a long-term part of the glass.This pendant steps approximately 3/4 inch large by nearly 1 7/8 inches high. A drilled hole and a silver toned jumpring permits it to hang from a 18 inch 2mm black leather cord pendant. (Ask about the accessibility of synthetic suede bow, or 2mm rubber, instead of the leather cord and custom-made locket lengths. )My jewelry is provided in a protective zip top bag, installed on a screen card.Shipping is $2.50 first class mail within the United States. I hope everyone will enjoy with my handcrafted

items. If you are disappointed with something bought from me, you rate to contact me or return it within 2 weeks, and I will refund all cash OMITTING the cost of shipping. Можно приобрести на Etsy за FrumsGlassMenagerie