Single acrylic hair stick you pick color and length. by EaduardHairsticks

8,00 USD

I can make singles of the majority of all the colors I offer (Other than the Lava Surge and Matrix colors) in my shop simply message me in checkout which color. This listing will be for & quot; & quot; 1 & quot; acrylic hair stick, in your choice of length 5 & quot;& quot;, 5 1/2 & quot;, 6 & quot;, 6 1/2 & quot; or 7 & quot; and color. I mill these from acrylic blanks, shape, sand and polish in Eugene Oregon.

Message me in checkout your color selection and a 2nd color option is your first is unavail at the moment.:-RRB- **** A 2nd color choice would be cool, it will get your order visited you faster and remove convo’s. ****** Можно buy on Etsy for EaduardHairsticks