Stuffed Manicotti

Stuffed Manicotti

  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hrs
  • Servings: 6
  • About This Recipe

    “This is a family favorite around our house, even my husband who isn’t keen on cheese, loves this.”


  • 12uncooked manicotti
  • 1 (15ounce) containers ricotta cheese
  • 1cupmozzarella cheese( shredded)
  • 1cupcheddar cheese( shredded)
  • 2eggs
  • 1/4 cupparmesan cheese
  • 2tablespoonsparmesan cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoonitalian seasoning
  • 1/4 teaspoongarlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoonsalt
  • 1/8 teaspoonpepper
  • 3cupsprepared spaghetti sauce
  • Directions

  • Par-boil manicotti noodles, drain.
  • Place in a bowl of cold water to prevent sticking.
  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Combine eggs, 1/4 cup of the parmesan cheese, 1/2 of the mozzarella,cheddar and ricotta cheeses and the seasonings.
  • Drain shells, pat dry with paper towels.
  • Fill shells with cheese mixture, spread 1/2 cup of the prepared spaghetti sauce over bottom of shallow 3 quart baking dish.
  • Arrange filled shells over sauce; cover with remaining sauce and spoon remaining ricotta over each shell.
  • Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheeses.
  • Bake covered loosely with foil for 40 minutes.
  • Reviews

  • “I have to admit, this was the best recipe for manicotti. my family loved it and since this was my first time making it, it was easy and fun to make.”

  • “Wonderful Taste…It is easy to make and mild in flavor. We like this very much. We will have this over and over.”

  • “Loved this recipe but I made a few alterations. I omitted the cheddar cheese, doubled the mozzarella and doubled the eggs. I also added spicy Italian sausage, chopped spinach and thinly sliced zucchini. My mixture was a little too think, so I used approx. 1/8th cup of milk to soften it just a tad. This was enough to fill 14 manicotti shells. Great recipe and I will gladly give it five stars, but I highly recommend leaving out the cheddar to avoid a flavor clash (romano cheese in its place would be a good substitute if you don’t want to double up on the mozzarella).”

  • “Loved It I Just added spicy sausage one half and ground beef for the in-law’s”

  • “VERY delicious recipe! I made these for some friends and they loved them, so I made them for my husband and I got the same response. Loved the creamy filling, but the manicotti got baked. How can this be fixed? Great recipe overall!”

  • “not too bad but not too great either, i think it just needs a few changes i plan on making it a few more times with a few different variations to see if i can get some better results. thanks for posting though.”

  • “We really liked this and it was pretty simple to throw together.I didn’t add the cheddar cheese, I just doubled the mozzarella because to be honest cheddar sounded kind of gross in the mixture.I also added more parmesan because I love parmesan.Thanks for posting, we will definately have this again!”

  • “I’m addicted to this dish. Never again will I need to run out to Pasta House to satisfy my cravings.”

  • “my mom made it last night … turn out really good”

  • “This was a great recipe. The only thing I changed was I used a mixed italian cheese insted of the chedder. I used Borilla garlic and mushrooms sauce, which has outstanding flavor. I also topped with fresh italian flat leaf parsley. I will make this recipe again”

  • “The recipe was De-licious! I added sausage to my spaghetti sauce and fresh basil. I also used a lot more sauce than it called for since I don’t pre-cook my manicotti and I don’t like it to dry out. Thanks for sharing a great recipe!”

  • “This recipe came out very nicely, and my family was pleased with the results!I did double the recipe and add an additional egg since I also added another container of mozzarella since one reviewer had mentioned the lack of filling.It was a perfect addition.I also did add some basil and oregano as well to the cheese mixture and we loved the dish.Very nice manicotti recipe and like a previous reviewer, I would suggest a pasty bag with a longer tip to make filling a lot less messy and less time consuming.Thank you for a great manicotti dish! :)”

  • “Made this the other day… 😉 it was absolutely wonderful!!! 🙂 An easy and simple way to make original manicotti! 🙂 Thanks!!”

  • “Big disapointment for us. There isn’t enough filling to fill up 12 manicotti. I could only get 8 and they were only half filled. The filling was runny and the delicate flavor of the ricotta was lost among the cheddar.. I don’t understand the part about putting half the ricotta on top of the half filled tubes, it just turned out to be a mushy mess, kinda like a cheese lasagna butnot enough cheese. The flavor wasn’t offensive, but it certainly wasn’t the delicious ricotta stuffing I’ve had before. I double-checked the recipe and I did do it exactly as written. I had such high hopes because of all the previous ratings. “

  • “Made this a few months ago and am only getting around to reviewing it now. What a GREAT recipe. This was my first time ever cooking with manicotti and I can guarantee that it wont be my last. My mom LOVED this recipe. I used my oen homemade spaghetti sauce. Using a baggie or a pastry bag to stuff the shells is a MUST. It would be WAAYY messy otherwise. Thank you for such an awesome recipe.”

  • “Great recipe!!I left out the cheddar cheese and doubled the mozzarella cheese.The cheddar just didn’t make this recipe sound very good to me.”

  • “Excellent base recipe for Baked Manicotti!I doubled the recipe as I like to make extra for future meals and just froze the stuffed shells.Only thing I omitted was the Cheddar Cheese as my Italian DH would just die if I ever mixed fresh ricotta with cheddar cheese.I definately recommend if you make this dish, please use fresh ricotta it really does make a difference in taste.I added 1 lb. each of ground beef & pork as my picky DS will only eat stuffed pasta if there is meat sauce.I also added 1/2 tsp. of Onion powder as we enjoy the flavor.I took two pictures of the recipe, one is of the manicotti stuffed and the other is of the dish assembled prior to baking.I forgot to take a picture of the end result as we were all TOO HUNGRY to wait for me to take the picture.Will submit one when I make this dish again and I definately will as this is a keeper!”

  • “My family loved this recipe.I added 8 oz. of cooked, canned chicken breast (shredded with a fork) to the ricotta mixture before filling the shells.The leftovers were eaten for lunch on the following afternoon.”

  • “This was a hit with all members of my family.I cooked a package of frozen spinach and added it to the ricotta mixture for stuffing the shells and it turned out great.Thanks!”

  • “This was so easy and so good.My 15mo old had two!My husband was guarding the left overs so he could take some for lunch the next day!”