Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love

Words of self-adoration from Skin Food’s Tara Curran… who will be joining us on our January FP Escapes trip to Todos Santos, Mexico!

It’s very easy to lose sight of yourself when you’re not happy. Skin Food came about as a way to talk about using your body’s largest organ to guide those in need of reclaiming inner/outer health. Both my partner and I experienced physical and nutritional setbacks that ultimately harmed our self-esteem. So, as a result, we created daily rituals that allowed us to love ourselves during the healing process and, in turn, directed more mindful choices to benefit our minds, bodies and spirits.

Our mantra is “I feed myself with love.” This can be useful in many aspects of daily life but one of our favorites is for your skincare routine. Imagine a morning without coffee, a night without Netflix… That’s exactly how we feel about skincare without cleansing — it simply doesn’t work. In order for your regimen to work effectively, you must prepare your skin for success.

Making time to connect with self can be quite challenging. But it’s imperative to take the opportunity whenever possible. Make your skincare routine a useful and powerful tool toward overall self care. You deserve the skin you desire. So take your time and enjoy the process. To feed yourself with love is to be more positive and self-loving.

Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love

Today’s Mantra: I Feed Myself With Love
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