Why You Need: Natural Deodorants

What can I say? I love my armpits… do you?


This post comes from our dear friend, Carlen Altman.

What is the most exciting part of your morning routine? I am sure “putting on deodorant” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when considering that question. In fact, I’m sure you might secretly wish you didn’t even have to think about your armpits. But, the fact that we have evolved to sweat in order to cool down our bodies, instead of having to lie down in mud like pigs, hippos, elephants and other mammalian friends, is actually pretty incredible when you think about it. Imagine getting nervous before a meeting and having to excuse yourself to go lie down in a puddle of mud? It actually sounds kind of fun but that’s besides the point….

As magical as our ability to sweat is, what isn’t magical is the sometimes-concern that you smell like hot garbage and/or are sporting yellowing pit stains on your new white peasant top (I’m not saying you’ve been there, I’m just saying I have…). As wonderful as sweating can be, dealing with our armpits can often be… the pits. (There, I said it.)

Luckily, there is the modern miracle of deodorant to help us cope. The thing is, it has come to my attention — and yours perhaps — that the majority of deodorants for sale out there seem to contain very questionable chemicals that aren’t necessarily meant to be devoured by our armpits (or any other part of our bodies for that matter!)

Although there is no “definite proof” that the ingredients in most store-bought deodorants “definitely cause” health issues such as cancer, there have been many, many studies (in humans, just like you and me) that suggest chemicals like parabens, talc, aluminum, and Triclosan are perhaps not the best for us, to say the least… What’s equally stinky is that most store-bought deodorants are also tested on animals. (And let’s just say this grossly unnecessary process does not involve a tiny mouse in a tophat with terrible body odor who’s late for an exam…)

But don’t sweat it, dear Free People blog reader/best sweaty friend forever (too soon?)…

I am happy to report that there is a way to stay cool without having to worry about either health issues or jump in a pile of mud. Introducing Free People’s exciting variety of all-natural, cruelty-free deodorants, for all your wildest armpit needs and desires… Whether you enjoy an unscented roll-on or want a cream to apply under your arms that smells like delicious key lime pie — without the use of synthetic fragrance — FP has you dried and covered.

With straight-from-the-Earth ingredients like baking soda, shea butter, lavender and so much more, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using ingredients that are good for you and make you smell great (or smell like nothing, if that’s what you’re into…).

I never thought I would be this excited about deodorant but, since having the opportunity to explore Free People’s new deodorant selection, I honestly look forward to putting on the Schmidt’s Bergamot and Lime Deodorant Pot, and sometimes switching it up with the Takesumi Detox in Juicy Bamboo. Schmidt’s brand is neat because it comes with a tiny spatula to apply (but you can always use your fingers) — and Takesumi is great because it is gray-colored but rolls on clear! Magic!

Have you ever thanked your armpits or body before for the wonders of sweating? Now’s the time!