15 fitness Abs burn calories ideas

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Monday Motivation – Easy Ways To Improve Your Mood – eat pray love play

HIIT home workouts are the easiest way to get your fitness fix! This no equipment HIIT workout will have your burning calories and building muscle! Have you ever woken up in the morning in a, for the want of a better word, shit mood? For no reason in particular? Just a bit ‘down’ or sad, like a rain cloud is hanging just above your head and is following you around? Well, of course you have! Who hasn’t? We’re all human and ups and downs are simply part of this journey of life. That said, I do not like having down days. I want to feel good, upbeat and motivated every day (or the majority of them anyway). We are all in control of our thoughts and the way in which we react to situations and circumstances. It’s about mastering your thoughts, seeing the positive in every situation and doing the things that make you happy and bring you joy, when you are feeling unhappy. Here are a few simple things you can do to lift your mood and improve your day. Speak to a friend We all have that one friend, you can offload on to. Who listens, doesn’t judge and gives you lots of sympathy and a little bit of helpful advise. Maybe you even have more than one of those and you can []