Agave parryi 'Cream Spike' (Agave applanata cv.) by SteveSuperGardens
14,99 USD
Agave parryi '' Cream Spike '-A strikingly lovely Agave with a tight, uniform rosette of blue-green leaves margined with velvety white. Leaves will frequently have a seasonal flush of pink color in the margins too! Grows a minimum of 12-18 inches high and similarly as wide. It is now thought by some Agave specialists that this plant is really a variegated cultivar of Agave applanata which gets much larger and looks much different in it'' s juvenile phase than it does as it matures. Just plant it with that in mind and provide it a little extra space. A wonderful Agave for the succulent, likewise makes a beautiful potted specimen.Full sun with well-drained soil and occasional water. Hardy to approx. 15-20 degrees F. Sale plants resemble the really great ones in the last 2 images. They determine approx. 3 inches across and will be shipped bare-root via Concern Mail.NOTE: We do integrate plants for affordable shipping. The real combined shipping cost is normally less than exactly what the Etsy checkout shows. Any extra shipping paid will be refunded when your order ships. Thank you for visiting our shop!!:–RRB- Можно приобрести на Etsy за SteveSuperGardens
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Agave parryi 'Cream Spike' (Agave applanata cv.) by SteveSuperGardens