Bacon Biscuits
About This Recipe
“You can just imagine how your dog is going to react wen they smell bacon in the kitchen. Dogs just love this treat.Onion in any form can be deadly to your dog.Please only use garlic powder in this recipe!!Also remember this is not for humans only dogs!!”
“Hey RecipeNut!I don’t think Varinia understood that these are MEANT for dogs.Anyway, my dog woofed them down! Thanks for posting!”
“I can’t speak for myself – but my parents’ dogs LOVED these!Can you see them anxiously waiting for DS to let go of the biscuits?I do believe we spoiled their little appetites by making these morsels BEFORE they came.We would sneak them these when Grandma and Grandpa weren’t looking.We are their dogs new best friends. **As a side – my mom (Grandma) did say the dogs did get some pretty smelly gas from these though.Just a warning. :)”
“These didn’t really have a good taste.It mostly tasted like bacon grease.But my dog liked them.”
“I haven’t tried it before, but I’m just wondering if it’s actually onion. Onions are deadly to dogs.”