Be Like The Sea
A couple of weeks ago, as I dipped myself into the beautiful clear Hawaiian waters, I couldn’t help but feel an instant calmness take over me. Like a deep cleanse of both body and mind. I thought about the ocean, overflowing with life and beauty, and how it isn’t really so different from you and me.
Sometimes hot; sometimes cold. Sometimes choppy; sometimes still. Yes, at times its waves chop and crash with fury, but beneath the surface and into the depths… there is an infinite stillness. A stillness that remains no matter the circumstance. Beneath the surface, there is never-ending peace.
So be like the sea, and let life flow through you with ease. Know that at times you’ll feel hot and at times you’ll feel cold; that sometimes the days and nights will crash into you with fury, urging you to give up. During those times especially, be like the sea. Remember the peace that lives deep inside of you. Find that infinite stillness and you’ll soon realize that – quite unlike the calmness within – what happens without is merely a phase. A phase that will pass even sooner than you know; a phase that can never disrupt the stillness within.
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Be Like The Sea