Bubble Tea from BubbleTeaSupply.com

Bubble Tea from BubbleTeaSupply.com

  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hrs 5 mins
  • Servings: 6-10
  • About This Recipe

    “This is a recipe to prepare tapioca to add to your bubble tea or pearl drink. The recipe is from www.bubbleteasupply.com and is used here with permission.”


  • 1cuptapioca( Bubble Tea Supply of course)
  • 6 -8cupswater
  • Directions

  • The ratio should be a minimum of 6:1, water to tapioca pearls.
  • Boil water in a large pot.
  • Add in the tapioca pearls to boiling water.
  • The tapioca pearls should float in the water.
  • Boil for about 25 minutes depending on the tapioca pearl with the cover on.
  • Turn the heat off and let the tapioca sit in the water for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse the cooked tapioca pearls in warm water and drain out the water.
  • Cover with bubble tea sugar syrup or brown sugar and serve.
  • Reviews

  • “Excellent way to prep tapioca pearls!!Thanks Evan!”

  • “This is wonderful!I love bubble tea and coffee.”
