Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Celebrate the first day of summer

“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language” – Henry James

While it may have been present in our hearts for some time now, today marks the first true day of summer, the longest day of the year, and the full Strawberry Moon. This confluence of events is not one to be taken lightly, as the full moon aligning with the solstice is an instance that happens only once every 70 years or so. (So if you were looking for an excuse to stare at the night sky surrounded by your nearest and most-loved friends, there you have it.) Regardless of the cosmos’ happenings, summer is a season to be celebrated in and of itself. After months of anticipation, we in the Northern Hemisphere can finally shake off the emotional layers piled on by months of cold and step out into the sun with clear hearts and minds. Today I’m sharing 6 ways to celebrate the start of summer, check them out below, then be sure to add your own in the comments.

6 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice:

1. Get outside. Even if you’re desk-bound today, make a vow to get out for at least a few minutes (but ideally a little longer) and soak up some natural Vitamin D under the summer sun’s first official rays.

2. Dine al fresco. Pack up a few simple essentials — like watermelon, lentil salad, and infused water — and take your lunch or dinner outdoors.

3. Have an impromptu moon viewing party. Once every 70 years the full moon, called the Strawberry Moon — named by early Native American tribes to mark the start of strawberry season — and the solstice align. Celebrate what could very possibly be a once-in-a-lifetime event by gathering your closest friends for a moon viewing party. Use the Dark Site Finder to discover the best places to view the cosmos near you.

4. Make your summer bucket list. If you haven’t already, take some time today — preferably outside — and write down all the things you hope to accomplish and experience this summer, then pencil them in to your calendar. Need a little inspiration? Check out our own lists here and here.

5. Create a new routine. A new season calls for a new approach. Maybe you’ve been dying to give meditation a try, maybe you’re committing to an early morning outdoor yoga practice; whatever it happens to be, now is the perfect time to make a commitment to bettering yourself and bringing more fulfillment to your life.

6. Find water. Dip your toes in the ocean, skinny dip in the creek behind your house, drink from your garden hose… however you find it, find water and immerse yourself in it, and while you’re at it, make a pact with yourself to do so more often.

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice Celebrating the Summer Solstice Celebrating the Summer Solstice Celebrating the Summer Solstice Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Celebrating the Summer Solstice
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